


feature request #9805

Updated by Katja Luther over 2 years ago

copied from #7981 

 - aggregating full dataset does not work (#9803) 
 - matrix should not collapse after aggregation (#9807) 
 - selection of ranks should depend on underlying data (highest and maybe lowest rank of taxa in use), similar to distribution aggregation but additional filter using the dataset rank filter (however this usually should not be a contradiction as there should be no taxa with ranks outside the given rank range of the dataset) 
 - more fine grained configuration for cloning of sources when available after #9804 (please check which flags are already available in the configurator) 
 - show source type only if required by source mode (currently none of the available source modes for DDS aggregation support source types, only supporting source modes are ALL and ALL_SAMESTATUS) 
 - if showing source types show them separately for "within taxon" and "to parent" (please also implement this in distribution aggregation where it is more important) 
 - further unify distribution aggregation and DDS aggregation code 
 - outlier handling etc. => needs to be implemented first in algorithm (#9804) 
 - "aggregate" should always be available in matrix context menu not only if taxon is selected, in case of non-selection only "Aggregate full dataset" should be available or taxa could be shown in selection list (but this might be a long list and therefore not so much appreciated and also not necessary) 
 -    if a lowest rank is chosen the "Highest rank" combo still shows all ranks down to the lowest. So the filter works only for selecting first highest rank and then lowest but not the other way round(copied from #9817) 
