


task #9513

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker about 3 years ago

Due to the "table to div regression" the [Configure UI is completely broken after upgrade to 2.264]( for jobs which are making use of the [scriptler plugin]( This incident has been reported as [JENKINS-65030]( 


 1. downgrade jenkins to version 2.263 - not easy, see #note-2 
 2. replace scripter +    dynamic parameter plugins by something else. The scripter plugin has security issues and the maintained is searching for someone to adopt the plugin. 
     * the *dynamic parameter* may be replaced by the [extended choice parameter]( plugin which also can run groovy scripts to provide the parameter list:  

 ## existing groovy stripts 


 * getXPathSingleValue 	
 * Git Refs Lookup: was only used in unused jobs `taxeditor-SNAPSHOT`, `taxeditor-JRE-SNAPSHOT` -> jobs deleted now! 
 * Git Tag Lookup --> can be 90% 100% replaced by Limitation, the tags can only be filtered by [git-show-ref patterns]( so more tags will be shown. This can be improved by renaming existing tags.  
 * GIT Branch Lookup --> can be 100% replaced by  


 * cdmserver-find-last-instance: Finds the last instance in a cdmserver 
 * cdmserver-index-job: Triggers and monitors an index or purge job on a cdmserver for a specific instance 
 * cdmserver-instance-action: Allows stopping and starting a cdmsever instance. 
 * cdmserver-monitor-instance-status: monitors the cdmsever until the specified instace shows as specific status or if the timeout is exceeded. Returns true (success) if no instances are configured. If no status is given the script will use 'started' as default. 
 * cdmserver-monitor-instance-up: monitors the cdmsever until the specified instace is started up or if the timeout is exceeded. Returns true (success) if no instances are configured. 
 * cdmserver-monitor-up: monitor cdmsever for all instaces started up. Returns true (success) if no instances are configured. 
 * filtered-cdmserver-instance-names:  
	 list datasource bean names in datasources.xml as whitespace separated text (suitable for dynamic axix), the instance names listed in the filter_str are either used as include ot exclude filter depending on the value of the filter_includes parameter. If the propertiesFile parameter is specified the final instance names will be written into the property key: 'INSTANCE_NAMES'. WRNING!!! You need to use the absolute path of the file!!!! 
 * list-maven-version: Returns a list of all available versions of an artifact in the maven repository 

 ## plugins and options to replace existing scriptler groovy scripts: 

