


feature request #7695

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker over 3 years ago

 The webservice path:   

 * ~~`typedesignations/byTaxon/{taxon_uuid}`, `typedesignations/byHomotypicalGroup/{group_uuid}` (optinal)~~ rejected  
 * `/name/{uuid}/homotypicGroupTypeDesignationsDTO` --> returns a TaggedText List and `/name/{uuid}/homotypicGroupTypeDesignations` returns a list of TypeDesignations 

 implementation of the controller method: 

 1. get all typedesignations of all names in the homotypic group to which the taxon belongs 
 2. pass the typedesignations to the TypeDesignationSetManager constructor    TypeDesignationSetManager(Collection<TypeDesignationBase> typeDesignations) 
 3. return toTaggedText() 

 **IMPORTANT**: NameTypeDesignations are to be handled on name basis not on homotypic group basis in outputs, see #9317 


 * handle `TextualTypeDesignation`, see #7695#note-18 
 * solve open issue named in #7695#note-4 
