


task #9231

Updated by Andreas Müller over 3 years ago

Generally absent taxa or taxa without distribution should not be included. Same for unpublished taxa and "valueless" taxa. 
 Also distributions from deprecated areas like Rs and child areas should not be used. 

 Statistics should include 

 1. For all E+M are, seperated by native (including "undefined") and non-native (including "cultivated") - unclear "formerly native"  

      a. count by ranks for all ranks from genus downwords (higher ranks not needed because they are in flow anyway) including apomictic taxa 
      b. count of all    "taxa" (including apomictic taxa) with taxa defined as species and subspecies (no other ranks) but not those species having at least 1 subspecies child 
      c. apomictic taxa 

 2. Same as 1. but for super areas "EUR", "MED", "MAC" and "CAUC" (being defined by markers on each area) 
 3. Same as 1. for each "normal" area where subareas such as "Ab(A)" are counted for its parent area (here "Ab"), still open how to handle more complex or outdated areas such as Ju and Cz 
 4. per family xxx 
 5. Twenty most diverse plant families in each geographical area xxxx 
 6. taxa per year
