


feature request #7599

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker over 3 years ago

The specimen tab/page section should show the tree structure of the specimen. To avoid performance problems the data should be provided by DTOs.  

 DTO Implementation: 

 * implement DTOs for FieldUnits, PreservedSpecimen/Observations, Collection, MolecularData, SequenceData 
 * Superclass for FieldUnitDTO and PreservedSpecimen is DerivateDTO 
 * Structure is similar to cdm classes 

 Treeview in dataportal 

 * The tree-view implement treeView for specimen and occurrence data will be focused on the DerivedUnit which is directly associated to the taxon SpecimenData in portal 
 * The full tree of derivatives stemming from the focused derivative are shown 
 * Derivatives which are not associated to the taxon are hidden. 
 * Derivate tree view should merge branches to multiple root elements into one branch #9216 
 * first only the title of the field unit should be displayed, clicking on it should open the tree view 
  * the tree should contain the most important information informations like collection, record base, catalog number/accession number/accesion number/barcode, kind of unit, derivation event, identifications 
  * the identifications should be clickable with link to name 
  * sequence data should be clickable 
  * for more information informations there should be a link to the details page which contains all information informations about the derived unit/field unit 
 * images should be shown with the derived unit/field unit they are linked to not as media gallery of the whole tree 

 * sequences should be displayed with primer information  
 * in a next step the details of the derived units should be hidden, with the possibility to open it by clicking on the title.
