


feature request #4837

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker almost 4 years ago

The cdm_dataportal base the is based on the zen theme which is supposed to be responsive and adaptive to smart phones tablets and the like. In the past there have been problems with this theme on small displays, therefore some responsive features of this theme might have been disabled therefore: 


 * check if responsive features have been disabled **DONE** 
 * [[DONE]|* test the theme on    different display sizes and identify problems **Works OK** [Works OK]] 
 * can the problems be solved? **YES** [YES] 


 1. [+] icons in the taxon tree are too tiny for finger tips 
 2. The menu should collapse like in [bootstrap]( 

 The menu initally closed 


 menu toggled open after a click on the icon in the top right corner 


 3. The taxon tree block should be before the content and it also should be colappsible. In the collapsed state it should show the classification as 'breadcrumb', like _Aves > Corvidae Corvus > C. corax_   

 4. The openlayers map should adapt to different screen sizes. That is it should follow the with of the containing element. in separate ticket: #5385 

 An alternative theme that has been suggested is the "Adaptive" theme. 

 c.ring: modification of theme CSS for full responsiveness handed over to Tobias Gehroldt (MfN) 


 related tickets 

 *    #5384 
