


feature request #8852

Updated by Andreas Müller about 4 years ago

To start a TaxEditor DB instance currently requires multiple user interactions: clicking on TaxonomicEditor.exe, clicking on File->Connect + clicking on "Open" (if you open the same instance as before) or choosing the server instance + choosing database instance from a long list (+ entering entering credentials if not yet stored). 

 In general the user interaction should It would be reduced. For some usecases it is also required nice to open without any user interaction (e.g. for scripted testing). 

 There are several things that can be done have the possibility to meet these requirments: 

  * parameterized call of TaxEditor 
  * automatically open the connect dialog after starting TaxEditor (in 99% taxeditor with the name of the cases this is wanted behavior) 
  * cdm instance as parameter. Another or second issue would be a recently used list of database cdm instances (to avoid searching in the long list of databases which will even become longer in the future) 
  * have a free text search for the database dropdown similar to the freetext search for term comboboxes 

 login dialog
