


bug #8812

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker about 4 years ago

A couple of situations exist in which users report problems due to RemoteAccessExceptions ("Could not access HTTP invoker remote service at ...). 

 1. First of all there is a correlation of these incidents with the network latency. Network latencies > 50ms already seems to be causing problems and connection loss. This has been reported by Katja. The connections to the US are having a much bigger latency (attachment:"AW_Netzwerklatenzen nach Übersee.mbox") 
 2. Connections going through the ZEDAT-VPN seem to be compromised by package loss (attachment:"AW_AW_Interessant_Could not access HTTP invoker remote service at .... bei lokalem server.mbox") 
 3. It seems as if computation intensive and thus long running operations are increasing the risk for the occurrence of these incidents (see **frequently affected operations** below) 

 ### frequently affected operations** 


 diesmal der Fehler schon bei der Deduplizierung von nur 2 Einträgen (noch von zuhause). 
 Herzlichen Gruß 
 login : w.berendsohn 
 editor version : 5.11.0 
 server : ( / caryophyllales_spp 
 schema version : 
 os : Windows 10 10.0 amd64 
 java : 1.8.0_221  

 **Taxon Navigator > Link to Taxon option** 

 Dear Maryam, 

 please excuse the late reply – our entire university is closed until 5th of January. 

 I know that the “link with taxon” option is very important especially for you, because while sorting out the imported data you move around in the taxon tree quite a bit. I guess this is indeed a question related to your connection – this function is a rather complicated one, requiring some network traffic. 

 However, I had similar difficulties in general working with the editor from the US using a weak connection in November – is the “link” function the only problem you face? I think some measures have already been taken to remedy the problems I had. In addition, I understand that a new release is forthcoming in January that may incorporate measures to tackle your problem. 

 Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need assistance with any other problems (also with respect to nomenclature etc.). Any progress on the paper? 

 Best wishes 


 From: Maryam malekmohammady <>  
 Sent: 13 January 2020 23:01 
 To: VL-BGBM-EditSupport <EditSupport@BGBM.ORG> 
 Cc: Berendsohn, Walter <> 
 Subject: error 

 Dear all, 

 It is a while that "link with taxon" option does not work and I receive this copied error. 

 My internet is slow and may be it causes this problem. 

 I also have another problem" when link with taxon option is on and I move a taxon as a synonym to another taxon I have to reopen the classification using the triangle beside Caryophyllales. 

 I received this error while trying to find Limonium latifolium var. album. 



 login : m.malekmohammadi 
 editor version : 5.11.0 
 server : ( / caryophyllales_spp 
 schema version : 
 os : Windows 7 6.1 amd64 
 java : 1.8.0_231 
 org.eclipse.e4.core.di.InjectionException: org.springframework.remoting.RemoteAccessException: Could not access HTTP invoker remote service at []; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException 

 ## Simulating network latency and package loss 

