


feature request #8489

Updated by Katja Luther over 4 years ago

* ~~Common names vocabulary select list:~~ 
        * ~~has no "allow override" (as not yet present in local preferences)~~ 
        * ~~selected vocabularies should be shown without opening the dialogue~~ 
        * ~~both could be implemented similar to distribution data~~ 

 => this is implemented analogue to the term selection pages (also for named area vocabularies for distributions) 
 * Distribution data-vocabulary selection: 
        * table is not yet updated after new status selection  
 * ABCD:  
        * Map UnitID ... => should be a dropdown 
        * See also #8494 
 * Ranks, Nomenclatural Status (and probably other such lists): 
        * ~~Restore default in local preferences does not set the values to DB pref values but selects the complete list~~ 
        * ~~"Use default settings" does not show the default settings in the list (and disables the list(?))~~ 
 * Adapt menu to local prefs menu (use same structure) 
 * TBC
