


task #8047

Updated by Katja Luther almost 5 years ago

Copied from #7854 

  * Correct tooltips for "Add Source" and "Remove sources" 
  * Disable "Add Source" or "Remove Source" depending on the current state of source selection 
  * Use icon (delete icon) for "Remove Source" and move button down beside the label for the selected source 
  * ... or alternatively to all the above use only 1 button which changes label and functionality depending on a source already being selected or not, either "add" or "remove" 
  * Make the number of dropdown items (for status selection) configurable    (see #7854#note-66) 
  * Try to optimize the column width at start or after area selection. Details may be discussed. We have/had a similar discussion for the bulk editor in some other ticket. / der Verbreitungseditor erinnert sich auch nicht, wenn ich die Spaltenbreite verändert habe. Könnte man ihn dazu bringen, die Spaltenbreite automatisch an die Länge der Bezeichnungen in der Kopfzeile anzupassen? (see description in #7854 and #7854#note-20 
  * In preferences translate possible configuration terms "ID in Vocabulary" => "ID im Vokabular"  
  * Multiple cell selection in table is currently possible. As there is no function related to this we should remove this feature for now. 
  * Think about synchronization strategies for name editor and distribution editor 
  * Documentation e.g. how to use only with keystrokes (#7854#note-80) 
  * implement comparator which is related to the tree structure in the navigator, so children of a taxon come first though they have a lower rank, but best ordering should be configurable (let the user choose from the 3 typical ordering + the ordering described here - which has again 2 versions, alphabetic or rank + alphabetic) #7854#note-87 
  * warning before opening if number of opened taxa is large (e.g. >200), this may take time 
  * handling of factual data view when switching between name editor and distribution editor #7854#note-85 
  * If no area is selected add a message to the white space beside the table to choose an area first. Or, alternatively, automatically open the area selection dialog or open a dialog that asks you if you want to open the area selection because no area is selected yet 
  * Check performance with large datasets (and related to this) #6159#note-9 
  * Allow multi-select when opening the distribution editor to better define the taxon sets to work with (important for flat hierarchies) - #7860 
  * Filtering for taxon names works only after leaving the cell, better would be after key stroke + delay 
  * Filter: use same label as shown in the cells, currently it shows same value as in the dropbox of cells (also needs discussion if the cell label should also be shown (additionally) in the dropbox 
  * Preferences: Group preferences for areas together and preferences for status together each with an according title 
  * Show also taxon name in details view 
  * Sort status in drop down alphabetically 
  * ~~possibility possibility to configure the label in status drop down~~ down 

 Also interesting: 

  * editing multiple status (currently multiple status are only displayed, is there a way to edit multiple status?)
