


task #7012

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker about 5 years ago

Design and establish an partially automated workflow with Pensoft. 

 *The below concept is based on a discussion with    Teodor Georgiev ( from Pensoft Publishers at the TDWG 2017 conference.* 

 Interaction workflow between Phycobank and Pensoft Publishers 

 Phycobank is a registration for algal names and types. Phycobank will actually create registration for whole nomenclatural acts which can encompass 0 - 1 new scientific names and 0 - n typifications for new or existing names. The different types of typifications cover isosyntype, isotype, lectotype, neotype, paralectotype, paraneotype, paratype, second step lectotype, second step neotype & syntype. 

 Phycobank aims in establishing a workflow with publishers. Phycobank aims in realizing this interaction for the first time be done with Pensoft Publishers. 

 This document describes the basic principles of the interaction between Phycobank and Pensoft Publishers as discussed during the "Night at the museum" event at the TDWG conference 2017 (Andreas Kohlbecker,; Teodor Georgiev,  

 ## Authentication/authorization 

 The Publisher will need to be authenticate at Phycobank via HTTP-Basic authentication. Authorization at Phycobank is established on base of the OAuth 2.0 protocol.  

 ## Initialization of the registration process triggered by the publisher: 

 Upon being authenticated the publisher can send the data of the nomenclatural act (Name, Types, Reference ) to a web service endpoint (==> #8086). endpoint. The transport schema of the data (TCS, CDM, ...) is being discussed at the moment internally at Phycobank. ==> #8085 

 As response to the initial submission the publisher will receive: 

 * An HTTP error code (400) with a detailed error message in case the submitted data was causing a problem in the phycobank system. 
 * the preliminary persistent identifier ({integer}) for the nomenclatural act. The identifier is not made public at this point. 

 In Phycobank the user initiating a registration is called **submitter**. Only the **submitter** of a registration can change it. (However the *curation* of Phycobank can also modify registration data.) There is always only one submitter per registration. Pensoft will therefore be the **submitter** of all registrations created on behalf of the authors which do submit publications to Pensoft witch contain nomenclatural acts for algae names.  

 **Notifications and status information** for a specific registration will be accessible via other webservices. These webservices expect the persistent Phycobank identifier being submitted in the request URI as url-encoded path element: `{phycobankID-urlencoded} = urlencode({integer})`: 

 ## Receiving messages from phycobank during the edit and curation process 

 The submitted registration record will undergo a manual curation process which may result in a notifications on the registration record. Notifications may report invalidity of the submitted data and thus may be requests for improving data, fixing problems in the submitted nomenclatural act.  

 ~~Prospective Notifications associated with a specific registration will be accessible via another webservice. This webservice expects the local_identifier contained in the phycobankID ({{local_identifier}}) being submitted: 

 Prospective service endpoint (#7270):~~ rejected, see #7935 (#7270): 

 * Response content type: json 
 * Response content: A list of all messages associated with the registration record sorted by time in ascending order. 
 * authorization required 

 ## Requesting for the status of a registration record 

 * see #7927 (commit:ebbad31) 
 * HTTP-GET:{phycobankID-urlencoded}/status.json{local_identifier}/status 

 * NO authorization required 

 **response data model** 

 * The webservice responds with the current status which is one of: 
     * CURATION 
     * READY 
     * REJECTED 

 model currently: 

     "String": "PUBLISHED" 


     "registrationId" : "{Registration.identifier}" 
     "status": ""{Registration.status}"" 

 Once the curator accepts the submitted nomenclatural act the registration status will be set to `READY`. Now the submitter can release the registration by making use the following webservice.  

 ## Publishing a registration identifier 

 In order to publish the registration of the nomenclatural act the publisher needs to submit the publication date, DOI and the pages detail to the phycobank.  

 Once all this information is successfully submitted the registration record can potentially change it's status to 'PUBLISHED'. This will immediately happen if the status is 'READY'. It is not guaranteed that the curation process is finished when publishing details are received, in these cases the registration becomes only public once the curator sets the registration status to 'READY'. The persistent Phycobank identifier will only be resolvable once the registration is on state 'PUBLISHED'. Therefore the publisher could postpone the publication of the article until the registration record in the registration is on state 'READY', otherwise the publication would contain a unresolvable identifier. (This issue may require further discussion!) 


 Request body: 


 * parameter `publicationDate` is the ISO 8601 date (JJJJ-MM-TT) of the actual publication of the article. 
 * authorization required 

