


feature request #3472

Updated by Andreas Müller over 5 years ago

name in source information is not always entered. `DescriptionElementSources` which are having an empty `nameUsedInSource` field are considered to refer to the name of the accepted taxon. When changing an accepted taxon into a synonym all `DescriptionElementSources` where    `nameUsedInSource == null` should get updated with name of the the former accepted taxon. 

 affected methods: 

 * `ITaxonService.swapSynonymWithAcceptedTaxon`  

 * `ITaxonNodeService.makeTaxonNodeASynonymOfAnotherTaxonNode`  

 * more ? 

 the same feature is also required when moving descriptions: #3982 (update name in source data when moving a Description to another Taxon) 

 NOTE: This is a critical feature as it is maybe not wanted or creates incorrect data, please read comments on #3982 before implementing 

 Alternatively we could ask the user to fill the nameInSource in case it is not yet filled
