


feature request #5972

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker over 5 years ago

From time to time it happens that users press the "edit" button for editing authors or references. 

 This is usually unwanted and very risky as the record might be used at many places. We expect that changes should usually take place only in the bulk editor. The only usecase where it is wanted to edit immediately is directly after creating a new record to correct it. E.g. after incorrect parsing it might be wanted. 

 There are multiple solutions: 

 * Make availability of editing button a preference with default to "not available". 

 * Check if record is persisted (id > 0), if not, make button available as this is without risk - see    `entity.isPersisted()` 

 * Inform the user via dialog box or with red, bold warning that he/she might edit a record that is used elsewhere 

 * Check if the record is used elsewhere (via referencing objects). Only allow editing if not used elsewhere (this might be a performance issue the request may take time, we may need a new method that only checks IF the record is used elsewhere, not how and not with initializing any records) 

 * same as before but method is only called when record is opened for editing 

 * we might also handle this via rights&roles but probably this is not adequate. Generally we allow those users to update agent/reference records but only in bulk editor. We would need TaxEditor specific rights to do so. 
