


feature request #6682

Updated by Andreas Müller over 5 years ago

URGENT: Update inverse symbol for MAN rel type 

 We need a webservice for taxon relationships returning 

  * a list of all taxon relationships for a given taxon including 

      * direction of relationship (if this taxon is the "from" taxon, the direction is "direct", otherwise it is "inverse" 
      * a Entity Holder(?) for the related taxon 
      * RelType DTO 
      * TaggedTitle for the relationship 
      * formatting type (misapplication, synonym, other tscon relationship - see below) 

  * a deduplicated list of TaggedText for misapplied names, deduplicated if name and err. sec. are equal (best handling still needs to be discussed, pure list as TaggedText is probably not enough, see also comment in #7658) 

 This requires a formatter for taxon relationships, which includes 

  * symbol for relationship type (depending on relation direction) 
  * related name and relation source information 

 and which differs for  

  * misapplications (only inverse - "has misapplied name"),  
  * pro parte/partial synonyms 
  * all other concept relationships 

  * tests 

 Formatting rules (as discussed with WGB): 

  * as marker for relationship citation we use "err. sec.", "syn. sec." and "rel. sec." (for now) 
  * authors must not have initials 
  * symbol for doubtful relationship and symbol for doubtful taxon 
  * MAN non author is full name authorship cache 
  * sensu references should have same format as other references (family name + year with whitespace separator) 

 Also check carefully against results discussed in #5676 


 further relationship Type: 60974c98-64ab-4574-bb5c-c110f6db634d 

 Example for old service:  

 new version: 

 Nepenthes portal example:
