


bug #7531

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker almost 6 years ago

User with    the Grantedauthority `REGISTRATION(PREPARATION).[UPDATE]{06649467-7c4f-4b8b-98e6-395e4d3af240}` changes the status of the Registration (uuid=06649467-7c4f-4b8b-98e6-395e4d3af240) from `PREPARATION` to `CURATION`. Saving the moidifcation to the storage fails with a PermissionDeniedException. 

 This happens because the RegistrationVoter only sees the updates RegistrationStatus not the old one. 

 Potential solution:  

 ## 1) 

 Solution: The parameters `Object[] previousState, String[] propertyNames` available in the interceptor methods (`CdmSecurityHibernateInterceptor`)    Voters must also be passed to PermissionVoters in general, particularity to the furtherVotingDecission() method. 

 ## 2) 

 The Submitter is granted with    `REGISTRATION(PREPARATION,CURATION).[UPDATE]{06649467-7c4f-4b8b-98e6-395e4d3af240}`.  

 * The Submitter would be enabled to save the state transition PREPARATION -> CURATION.  
 * Drawback:    But this brings the drawback that the user would be able to modify the registration when it passed to the curation, be e.g adding typeDesignations. This problem could be avoided by revoking this permission when the status changes by e.g. the GrantedAuthorityRevokingRegistrationUpdateLister (see #7148) 

 ## 3)  

 The Submitter is granted with    `REGISTRATION.[UPDATE]{06649467-7c4f-4b8b-98e6-395e4d3af240}`.  

 * Drawback: But this brings the drawback that the user would be able to modifiy registrations in any status 
  This problem must be reliably avoided by revoking this permission when the status changes by e.g. the GrantedAuthorityRevokingRegistrationUpdateLister (see #7148) 

 ## 4)  

 The RegistratinoStatus change is performed by special service bean which does it on behalf of the user. The submitter would trigger sending a event to this service bean to request for the status change. The service bean in turn checks the permissions of the requester and would then execute the status change in a runAs environment as SYSTEM_USER. 

 * Drawback: The updated by would not mention the submitter. 
