


task #3560

Updated by Andreas Müller almost 6 years ago

see also #1780, #3740, #3739 


  * TaxonNodeDao 
       * ~~.listChildrenOf~~  
       * ~~.countChildrenOf~~ 
       * .countTaxonOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification 
       * .synonymForSubtreeQueryStr (?) 
       * .acceptedForSubtreeQueryStr (?) 
       * .prepareListTaxonNodeAgentRelations (?) 
       * .getParentUuidAndTitleCache 
       * .getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification (2x) 
       * .getTaxonOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification 
       * .getUuidAndTitleCache    (maybe not used anymore) 
       * .listChildNodesAsTaxonNodeDto 
       * .listChildNodesAsUuidAndTitleCache 
       * .rankOrderIndexForTreeIndex (?) 
  * ClassificationDao 
       * ~~.prepareListChildrenOf~~  
       * .classificationLookup 
       * ~~.prepareRankSpecificRootNodes~~ 
       * .prepareListSiblingsOf (?) 
       * .getMarkedTreeIndexes (????) 
       * .treeIndexForTaxonUuids (????) 
  * TaxonDao 
       * acceptedTaxonFor 
       * countAcceptedTaxonFor 
       * countByIdentifier 
       * countByMarker 
       * countMatchesByName (2x) 
       * countSynonyms (2x) 
       * countTaxaByCommonName 
       * countTaxaByName (2x) 
       * countTaxonRelationships (2x) 
       * findByIdentifier 
       * findByMarker 
       * findByNameTitleCache 
       * findByUuid 
       * findByUuids 
       * findTaxaByName 
       * getAllSynonyms, getAllTaxa, getAllTaxonBases => still needed? 
       * getSynonyms(xxx) 
       * getTaxaByCommonName 
       * getTaxaByCommonName 
       * getTaxaByName (5x) 
       * getTaxaByNameForEditor (?? see below) 
       * getTaxonRelationships (2x) 
       * getUuidAndTitleCache (2x) 
       * taxaByNameNotInDB (??) only needed for createInferredSynonyms 
       * ... 
       * methods in base classes 
  * TaxonSearchService 
  * Other DAOs and services 
  * Bean initializer/property paths 
  * Lazy loading  
  * TBC 

  * findIdenticalNamesNew is PESI specific 
  * getTaxaByNameForEditor still needed? 
  * findIdenticalNamesNew, findIdenticalTaxonNameIds, findIdenticalTaxonNames still needed? Does not belong here but NameDao , partly specific to PESI 
  * warum wird bei der Suche Bellis longifolia als MAN von Bellis perennis auch bei allen publish Flags = true nicht gefunden, während z.B. Hedysarum confertum von Onobrychis biebersteinii (und auch andere Hedysarum confertum) gefunden werden.
