


task #7369

Updated by Andreas Müller almost 6 years ago

Currently 268 taxa in E+M have an IsExcludedMarker with IsExcludedExtension "not accepted: taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype" or "provisional: probably a taxonomically valueless local or singular biotype" 

 In the BM dataportal this is shown as the taxon status (e.g. ). 

 These taxa do not have parent taxa. 

 We need to decide how to store this information. 


 1) Adding 2 marker types and the information as markers 
 2) Using extensions or annotations with the given full text 
 3) extend the doubtful flag to an enumeration to allow multiple states like "doubtful","taxonomically valueless","probably taxonomically valueless", ... 

 Also we need to decide if theses taxa should be included in the taxon tree somehow. 

 Currently only those taxa having synonyms or misapplied names are attached to the tree (as root taxa) - need to check why. 

 taxa in BM 

 ~~~ sql  
 SELECT    n.FullNameCache,    pt.* 
 FROM    PTaxon AS pt INNER JOIN Name n ON n.NameId = pt.PTNameFk 
 WHERE (pt.IsExcludedExtension IS NOT NULL) OR (pt.IsExcludedMarker = 1) 
 ORDER BY pt.IsExcludedExtension 

 Note: These taxa may have synonyms and 1x even a misapplied name  

 ~~~ sql 
 SELECT    acc.FullNameCache, syn.FullNameCache syn,    rel.RelPTaxonId, rel.RelQualifierFk, pt.PTNameFk, pt.PTRefFk, pt.Detail, pt.RIdentifier, pt.IdInSource, pt.StatusFk, pt.DoubtfulFlag, pt.NamePhrase, pt.UseNameCacheFlag, pt.Created_When, pt.Updated_When,  
                          pt.Created_Who, pt.Updated_Who, pt.Notes, pt.PublishFlag, pt.TreeIndex, pt.IndexNameString, pt.InMCLArea, pt.FamilyCache, pt.LastScrutinyFk, pt.SpeciesExpertFk, pt.IsExcludedMarker, pt.IsExcludedExtension,  
 FROM              PTaxon AS pt INNER JOIN 
                          RelPTaxon AS rel ON rel.PTNameFk2 = pt.PTNameFk AND rel.PTRefFk2 = pt.PTRefFk 
                          INNER JOIN Name syn ON syn.NameID = rel.PTNameFk1 
						  INNER JOIN Name acc ON acc.NameId = rel.PTNameFk2 
 WHERE    (pt.IsExcludedExtension IS NOT NULL) OR (pt.IsExcludedMarker = 1) 
 ORDER BY pt.IsExcludedExtension, acc.FullNameCache 

 In the publication script they are all set to publish = 1 
