


task #7435

Updated by Andreas Müller almost 6 years ago

Some names do have a second nomenclatural reference (or at least a second reference). This is usually handled as name fact (NameFactCategoryFk = 1). 

 But sometimes this information is also to be found in some of the notes fields (detail Notes, taxonNotes, nameNotes, ...). 

 This information needs to be checked, and in case it is correct moved to the name fact to be imported correctly if not already duplicated there. 

 Also the import needs to be adapted to import name facts of cat=1 as original source of type "2nd nom ref" or "also published in". 

 Discuss with ERS what the exact semantic is in E+M for this category. 

 Also published in name facts: 

 ~~~ sql 
 SELECT          n.NameCache, n.FullNameCache, pt.PTRefFk, fact.NameFactId, fact.PTNameFk, fact.NameFact, fact.NameFactCategoryFk, fact.NameFactRefFk, fact.DoubtfulFlag, fact.PublishFlag, NameFact.NameFactId, NameFact.PTNameFk, NameFact.NameFact, NameFact.NameFactCategoryFk, NameFact.NameFactRefFk, NameFact.DoubtfulFlag, NameFact.PublishFlag,  
                          fact.Created_When, fact.Updated_When, fact.Created_Who, fact.Updated_Who, fact.Notes, fact.NameFactRefDetail NameFact.Created_When, NameFact.Updated_When, NameFact.Created_Who, NameFact.Updated_Who, NameFact.Notes, NameFact.NameFactRefDetail 
 FROM                 NameFact fact  
                          Name AS n ON fact.PTNameFk NameFact.PTNameFk = n.NameId 
      LEFT OUTER JOIN PTaxon pt ON pt.PTNameFk = fact.PTNameFk AND pt.PTRefFK NOT IN (500000) 
 WHERE          (fact.NameFactCategoryFk (NameFact.NameFactCategoryFk = 1) 
 ORDER BY pt.PTRefFk, n.FullNameCache 
