


bug #7331

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker about 6 years ago

 In the `RegistrationWorkingSetService.loadWorkingSetByReferenceID(Integer referenceID)` a `RegistrationWorkingSet` is lodade with the following coede: 


 List<String> REGISTRATION_INIT_STRATEGY = Arrays.asList(new String []{ 
             // typeDesignation 
             "typeDesignations.typifiedNames.typeDesignations", // important !! 
             // name 
             "name.typeDesignations", // important !!" 
             // institution 

 Reference reference = repo.getReferenceService().find(referenceID); 
 Pager<Registration> pager = repo.getRegistrationService().page(Optional.of(reference), null, null, null, REGISTRATION_INIT_STRATEGY); 
 return new RegistrationWorkingSet(makeDTOs(pager.getRecords())); 


 This usually works, but with a specific data set the `pager` contains `Registrations` where `authorship` 
  properties of the `nomenclaturalReferences` are not initializes even if the `AdvancedBeanInitializer` apparently is doing the initialization properly (also confirmed by debugging): 

 [] -    processing /name.nomenclaturalReference 
 [] -    invoke initialization on /name.nomenclaturalReference beans of class TaxonName ...  
 [] - bulk load /name.nomenclaturalReference 
 [] - bulk load /name.nomenclaturalReference - DONE  
 [] -    processing /name.nomenclaturalReference.authorship 
 [] -    invoke initialization on /name.nomenclaturalReference.authorship beans of class Reference ...  
 [] - bulk load /name.nomenclaturalReference.authorship 
 [] - bulk load beans of class TeamOrPersonBase 
 [] -    SELECT c FROM TeamOrPersonBase as c    WHERE IN (:idSet)  
 [] - initialize bulk loaded beans of class TeamOrPersonBase: [1383] 
 [] - bulk load - DONE 

 The actual initialization takes place in `AdvancedBeanInitializer.bulkLoadLazyBeans(BeanInitNode node)`.    Here a strange behavior can be observed in these special cases: 


 private void bulkLoadLazyBeans(node node) { 
         for (Class<?> clazz : node.getLazyBeans().keySet()){ 
             Set<Serializable> idSet = node.getLazyBeans().get(clazz); 
     String hql = " SELECT c FROM %s as c %s WHERE IN (:idSet) "; 
     hql = String.format(hql, clazz.getSimpleName(), autoInit.leftJoinFetch); // hql = "SELECT c FROM TeamOrPersonBase as c    WHERE IN (:idSet)"  
     Query query = genericDao.getHqlQuery(hql); 
     query.setParameterList("idSet", idSet); 
     List<Object> list = query.list(); 

 Now the TeamOrPersonBase entities are initialized. 
 **However, checking the `parent` object contained in the `node` object passed as parameer reveals that the 'authorship' proxy in the object graph has not been initialized.** 

 Preloading the reference in the    `RegistrationWorkingSetService.loadWorkingSetByReferenceID(Integer referenceID)` method avoids the problem (in the below code only relevant lines are shown) 


 Reference reference = repo.getReferenceService().find(referenceID); 


 Since this behavior is data dependent, I serialized the fully initialized registrations as loaded in the `RegistrationDaoHibernateImpl.list(Optional<Reference> reference, Collection<RegistrationStatus> includedStatus, Integer limit, Integer start, List<String> propertyPaths)`. attachment:registrations-fully-initialized.ser can be used to restore the original data by de-serializing deserializing and persisting the objects to a cdm-database (version 4.15.0-SNAPSHOT)     : 


  try { 
             FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("registrations-fully-initialized.ser"); 
             ObjectInputStream oin = new ObjectInputStream(fin); 
             List<Registration> registrationsDeserialized = (List<Registration>) oin.readObject(); 
         } catch (ClassNotFoundException | IOException e) { 
             // TODO Auto-generated catch block 

 **NOTE: Doing the serializaton in `RegistrationDaoHibernateImpl.list()` also removed the problem described in here!** 
