


task #7269

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker about 6 years ago

The Redmine issue system will be used to establish asynchronous communication between *curator* and *submitters*, which are also referred to as **contributors**. 

 ## Workflow 

 * All messages are stored in redmine.  
 * For each registration entity an issue is created in redmine, when ever a message needs to be passed to submitter or curator  
     * The `User` for the contributor is being created as long as it does not exist in redmine. 
 * A comment to the issue will be created for each message, the user which is sending the message will become watcher of the issue. 
 * The user to which the message is dedicated to will be set as *Assignee* and the priority is set to **active** 
 * Once the Submitter has taken action in response of the message send by the curator, the issue should be returned to the curator by adding a comment, setting the curator as assignee. 
 * The status of the issue is synchronized with the `Registration.status`  
     * Setting the status to ready, published, or rejected will set the issue priority to **inactive** 
 * Submitter and Contributor will become watchers of the issue so that both can receive email notifications when a new message is posted. 

 **Message indicators in the registration UI:** 

 The message indicator shows a new message when `priority_id > 1` : 

 * Submitter: `Submitter_id == Assignee_id && priority_id > 1`  
 * Curator: `Submitter_id != Assignee_id && priority_id > 1'  

 ## Redmine REST api  

 Redmine has a REST api for basic CRUD operations ( 

 * Authentication can be done using an API-key passed in as a "X-Redmine-API-Key" HTTP header (added in Redmine 1.1.0) 
   * The API key is provided per user and can be retrieved from the "My account" page: `./my/account` 
   * All operations can be done by an admin user on behalf of an ordinary user by using the HTTP header (X-Redmine-Switch-User: jsmith). This only works when using the API with an administrator account! 

 [Redmine Java API library]( is a FREE third-party Java library that can be used to access the Redmine API. It is released under Apache 2 open-source license. (support until Redmine 2.6.0 using REST API), see 


 For our purpose the Issue and User services are relevant: 


 * Create a user: `POST /users.json` 

     "user": { 
         "login": "jplang", 
         "firstname": "Jean-Philippe", 
         "lastname": "Lang", 
         "mail": "", 
         "password": "secret"  

 **[Issues](**, **[Issue Journals](** 

 * Create an issue: `POST /issues.json` 

   "issue": { 
     "project_id": 1, 
     "tracker_id": 1, 
     "subject": "Registration: ${Registration.identifier}", 
     "description": "", 
     "priority_id": 1, 
     "assigned_to_id": {user_id}, 
     "watcher_user_ids": [1,2,3] /* Array of user ids to add as watchers */ 

 * Add comment: `PUT /issues/[id].json` 

     "issue": { 
         "notes": "Fixed in Revision 128"  

 * Change custom field `Unread`: `PUT /issues/[id].json` 

         {"value":"1","id":4} /* 1 for true or 0 for false */ 

 * Find an issue by registrationId: `GET /issues.json?cf_1=${Registration.identifier}` 
   * here cf_1 refers to the custom field with id=1, which is the `Identifier` field 
   * Does the find also support journals or id a second request needed? `/issues/[id].json?include=journals` 

 ### Ids in 

 * Project id = `phycobank-registry` 
 * Tracker *registration* = 1 
 * Custom field ids: 
     * Identifier = 1 
     * Submitter = 2 
     * ~~Curator = 3~~ *not needed, neither for managing the message indicator flag in the UI, nor for sending messages per email.* 
     * ~~Unread = 4~~ *will be handled via the priority field* 
 * Issue statuses: 
     * preparation = 1 
     * curation = 2 
     * ready = 3 
     * published = 4 
     * rejected = 5 
 * Issue priorities: 
     * inactive = 1 
     * active = 2 

 ## Implementation requirements: 


 * adminUserApiKey 
 * redmineURL 
 * projectId 

