


feature request #6724

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker almost 7 years ago

 This is a schematic concept for the editor UI 


 ## Types Editor Component 

 The types editor component is used to edit the various types which belong to a typedesignation workingset 

 * **DerivdeUnit.kindOfUnit"** we will use the `DerivationEvent.type` to control, the kindOfUnit, SpecimenType(DerivedUnit, MediaSpecimen) and `DerivedUnit.baseOfRecord`: 

 | "kindOfUnitSelect" field |    DerivationEvent.type` | `DerivedUnit.baseOfRecord` | 
 | "specimen"    | 
   * specimen = `DerivationEventType.GATHERING_IN_SITU()` | `SpecimenOrObservationType.PreservedSpecimen`     | 
 | "unpublished Image" | `DerivationEventTypes.UNPUBLISHED_IMAGE()` | `SpecimenOrObservationType.StillImage` | 
 | "published Image" | `DerivationEventTypes.PUBLISHED_IMAGE()` | `SpecimenOrObservationType.StillImage` | 
 | "metabolic + `baseOfRecord=SpecimenOrObservationType.PreservedSpecimen` 
   * unpublished Image = no existing matching type -> create UNPUBLISHED_IMAGE (uuid=6cd5681f-0918-4ed6-89a8-bda1480dc890) and register it in the `RegistrationRequiredDataInserter` + `baseOfRecord=SpecimenOrObservationType.StillImage` 
   * published Image = no existing matching type -> new one PUBLISHED_IMAGE(uuid=b8cba359-4202-4741-8ed8-4f17ae94b3e3) and register it in the `RegistrationRequiredDataInserter` + `baseOfRecord=SpecimenOrObservationType.StillImage` 
   * metabolic inactive culture" | `DerivationEventTypes.CULTURE_METABOLIC_INACTIVE()` | `SpecimenOrObservationType.LivingSpecimen` | culture = new one CULTURE_METABOLIC_INACTIVE(uuid=    ) and register it in the `RegistrationRequiredDataInserter` + `baseOfRecord=SpecimenOrObservationType.LivingSpecimen` 

 selecting a different type of `DerivationEvent.type` will require subsequently changes of the SpecimenType. That is DerivedUnits need to be converted into MediaSpecimen and vice verca:  

