


feature request #3379

Updated by Andreas Müller about 7 years ago

For migration to hibernate 4 (#3344) we removed most validators from the model to avoid problems with existing data. With the next data updater running we should add these validations again and update the data accordingly. E.g. we should update empty strings by NULL if a !@NullOrNotEmpty validation rule exists. 


 Classes to check: 


 * Institution.code, name 


 * Person.firstname, lastname, suffix, prefix, lifespan 


 * TeamOrPersonBase 


 * (EventBase.timeperiod) 


 * (PolytomousKeyNode.key) 




 * NonViralName.infraGenericEpithet, specificEpithet, infraSpecificEpithet, authorshipCache (??), nameCache(??) 


 * TaxonNameBase.appendedPhrase, nomenclaturalMicroReference, rank, homotypicGroup 


 * ViralName.acronym 


 * Collection.code, codeStandard, name, townOrLocation 


 * DerivedUnitBase.catalogNumber, accessionNumber, collectorsNumber, barcode 


 * FieldObservation.fieldNumber, fieldNotes 


 * GatheringEvent.collectingMethod 


 * Specimen.exsiccatum 


 * Reference.title, editor, series, volume, pages, edition, isbn, issn, seriesPart, organization, publisher, placePublished, referenceAbstract 


 * FeatureNode.featureTree 


 * DefinedTermBase.idInVocabulary (see also #4245) 


 Also check, if there are any Markers with type null 
