


feature request #6390

Updated by Andreas Müller about 7 years ago

We need a details view for misapplied names to allow editing also information within the concept relationship (most important: the relation reference). This is different to synonyms where we do not have synonym relations anymore. 

 For misapplied names we have the taxon secundum of the misapplied name (which should be labeled to "sensu" instead of secundum here). 
 Additionally we have the concept relationships reference which might be labeled something like (misappl. sec. - but better use 1 language only). 

 WGB: "Da sollten wir aber noch mal überlegen, ob wir nicht eine weitere „sec.“-Ausgabeform (für misappl.) brauchen – leider kenne ich keine lat. Abk. dafür, müsste ich noch mal Greuter " 

 So the main object to be edited in the details view should be the concept relationship which includes the misapplied name taxon. 

 Also it would be nice to make the taxon selectable in the same way as names are selectable in the taxon details view. Feel free to create a new ticket for this.
