


feature request #6270

Updated by Gabriele Dröge over 7 years ago

Requirement: Example text, requirement: Place References where were important. 

 Example text: 
 About size of Magpie or Pigeon, length 65-68cm(Ref1,2), 53-64cm, male: 145-192g, female: 106-155g(Ref3,4), with a much longer and less rigid tail. 

 Currently displayed like this: 
 , 53-64cm, male: 145-192g, female: 106-155g(Ref3,4) About size of Magpie or Pigeon, length 65-68cm(Ref1,2) , with a much longer and less rigid tail. 

 Entered in EDITor as three individual bullets, since I don't know how else to place the references properly. -> EDITor sorts the bullets alphabetically, not chronologically -> impossible for a long text :( 

 1. Is there a way to place references in such detail or not? 
 2. How can I change the order in the EDITor for proper working which is also related to portal display?
