


task #6118

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker over 7 years ago

[spring-security-oauth]( & 

 [Spring-Cloud-Security]( &    spring-security-oauth bring OAuth2 for spring applications. 

 * OAuth2 in general spring-cloud-security provides the client side authentication feature: 
 * The oauth2-authorization-server feature is provided by [spring-security-oauth]( spring-boot: 
   * For full details, see the [Spring Security OAuth 2 Developers Guide]( 
 * The oauth2-authorization-server feature as supported OAuth2 in general is provided by spring-boot: [](spring-boot#boot-features-security-oauth2-authorization-server) 
 * spring-cloud-security provides the client side authentication feature for a distributed environment with support for proxying the requests.  


 ## OAuth2 

 * [**rfc6749**]( 

 The OAuth2 specification ([rfc6749]( defines four (six) grant types: 

 | rfc6749 section | grant_type | implemented and tested in cdmlib | 
 | [4.1.    Authorization Code Grant]( | `grant_type=authorization_code` | **OK** | 
 | [4.2.    Implicit Grant]( | `grant_type=implicit` | **OK** | 
 | [4.3.    Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant]( | `grant_type=password` | undesirable    | 
 | [4.4.    Client Credentials Grant]( | `grant_type=client_credentials` | maybe not needed | 
 | [4.5.    Extension Grants]( - (extensibility    mechanism for defining additional types) | | not needed    | 
 | [6.    Refreshing an Access Token]( | `grant_type=refresh_token` | **TODO** | 

 When using `implicit` or `password` it is strongly required that the communication secured by **TSL/SSL**. TSL/SSL can be enforced in `spring-security-oauth`. --> **TODO** 

 ### Test Requests for testing various grant types during development are found 

 This is work in progress and completely incomplete and preliminary!!!!!! 

 curl -u admin:00000  



 curl -u admin:00000 http://localhost:8080/oauth/authorize?response_type=token&client_id=any-client&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/manage/purge.json 

 ### Example implementations 

 The reference implementation is found at github: [spring-projects/spring-security-oauth]( whereas the `samples/oauth2/sparklr` project is most relevant for us. This is an example for the password grant type: * 

 ## Notes 

 ### spring-security-oauth 

 The following endpoints are required in the Spring Security filter chain in order to implement OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server: 

 *     `AuthorizationEndpoint` is used to service requests for authorization. Default URL: `/oauth/authorize`. This enpoint should be protected using Spring Security so that it is only accessible to authenticated users. For instance using a standard Spring Security WebSecurityConfigurer: 

     protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { 
         // default protection for all resources (including /oauth/authorize) 
         // ... more configuration, e.g. for form login 
    **Note:** if your Authorization Server is also a Resource Server then there is another [security filter chain]( with lower priority controlling the API resources. Fo those requests to be protected by access tokens you need their paths not to be matched by the ones in the main user-facing filter chain, so be sure to include a request matcher that picks out only non-API resources in the WebSecurityConfigurer above. (see [configuring-the-endpoint-urls]( 

 *     `TokenEndpoint` is used to service requests for access tokens. Default URL: `/oauth/token`. 

 The following filter is required to implement an OAuth 2.0 Resource Server: 

 *      The `OAuth2AuthenticationProcessingFilter` is used to load the Authentication for the request given an authenticated access token. 

 ### Anonymous Authentication 

 Is useful in cases when you don't want to skip authentication for pages which should behave differently for authenticated and not authenticated users (see [spring-security 4.1.3.RELEASE #anonymous]( 

 Is configured automatically when using the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. By default anonymous users will be represented with token containing the role "ROLE_ANONYMOUS". 

 ### multiple httpsecurity 

 Potentially we need separate http security configurations for the HTTP-Invoker and the rest of the services. Therefore I put this    link as a reference in    here: 
