


task #6005

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker over 7 years ago

The issues related to platform components which have their own git repository should be managed in a separate subproject. 
 This is beneficial since Subprojects have their own code repsitory. If all components are managed in the master project **EDIT** we would have to distinguish the repos when referencing changesets. 

 The component dataportal already has been moved into a sub-project: 

     update issues i join issue_categories ic on = i.category_id and = 'dataportal' 
     set i.project_id = 2 where i.project_id = 1; 
     select * from issues i where i.project_id = 2 

 **IMPORTANT** Is seems as if the components are lost when moving the tickets to a subproject, this is not a problem in    case of the cmd-dataportal since the subprokect replaces the component, but for other issues this may be relevant and must be handled. 

 The following sub projects need to be created: 

 * cdm-dataportal *DONE* 
 * cdmlib-app *DONE* 
 * cdmlib 
 * taxeditor 
 * cdm-vaadin 
 * cdm-sever 
 * .... 
