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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Target version Category Tags
3169 EDIT bug Rejected Lowest Maps, Specimens: error openlayers.js due to point map in portal Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-dataportal map Actions
5048 EDIT bug Closed Priority08 cdm-server causes unusual high native memory consumption for jvm Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 5.11 cdmserver performance memory Actions
4583 EDIT bug Closed Priority09 zoological names with book as nomref shown with undesirable comma Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-dataportal Actions
3240 EDIT bug Duplicate Priority10 media/{uuid}/metadata service fails with some metadata Andreas Kohlbecker cdmlib-remote Actions
6092 PhycoBank task Rejected Priority10 Ilustration in algal descriptions Andreas Kohlbecker Validation Actions
4964 EDIT bug Duplicate Priority10 footnotes for taxonRelationship sources and annotations should be rendered together Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-dataportal Actions
2602 EDIT bug Worksforme Priority10 Taxon synonymy: type designation footnotes rendered together with taxon_page_synonymy footnotes Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-dataportal Actions
615 EDIT task Closed Priority10 remove suns repository Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 5.6 cdmlib Actions
7971 EDIT report Closed Priority11 Curator can see preparations in submitter's RegistrationWorkingSets Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Unassigned CDM tickets cdm-vaadin phycobank permission Actions
7139 EDIT task Rejected Priority11 consider using spring profiles to enable vaadin UI contexts Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-vaadin phycobank Actions
6337 EDIT feature request Rejected Priority11 simple web ui to trigger the transmission engine distribution Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-dataportal transmission-engine-distribution euro+med Actions
1080 EDIT feature request Closed Priority11 Model changes for references, taxonBase, OriginalSource Andreas Kohlbecker cdmlib Actions
3133 EDIT feature request Closed Priority11 security: preparation and first steps for Role, CdmAuthority and GrantedAuthorityImpl implement GrantedAuthority Andreas Kohlbecker cdmlib security Actions
3994 EDIT feature request Closed Priority11 Select widget to choose the filter areas for the advanced search Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - cdm_dataportal RELEASE 3.5.1 cdm-dataportal search faunaEuropaea Actions
804 EDIT feature request Closed Priority12 Integrationtest for TextData.getPreferredLanguageString() Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 5.29 cdmlib Actions
398 EDIT bug Worksforme Priority12 DIPTERA: Typestatus entered as Notes for NameTypes Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-dataportal Actions
8682 EDIT bug Closed Priority12 cdm-server debian packages configured for jemalloc Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 5.15 cdmserver performance memory Actions
8358 EDIT feature request Duplicate Priority12 Show name type only if rank is higher than species Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-vaadin phycobank Actions
8716 EDIT task Closed Priority13 Configure taxeditor to run with GTK2 in linux Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 5.12 taxeditor Actions
6869 EDIT feature request Closed Priority13 Reference editor: Advanced mode only available for curators Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 5.5 cdm-vaadin phycobank Actions
2149 EDIT task Worksforme Priority13 implement test cases Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-dataportal selenium Actions
9403 EDIT bug Closed Priority13 cleanup function cdm_related_taxon() from used paramerters and css class attributes Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 5.19 cdm-dataportal Actions
8308 EDIT feature request Worksforme Priority13 Extend specimen type designation editor Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-vaadin phycobank Actions
8177 EDIT report Worksforme Priority13 Discuss: How to add originals of a type specimen Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-vaadin phycobank Actions
9259 EDIT task Closed Priority13 reduce fields in TermBase json serializations Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 5.18 cdmlib-remote Actions
(1-25/1019) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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