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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Target version Category Tags
3169 EDIT bug Rejected Lowest Maps, Specimens: error openlayers.js due to point map in portal Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-dataportal map Actions
5048 EDIT bug Closed Priority08 cdm-server causes unusual high native memory consumption for jvm Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 5.11 cdmserver performance memory Actions
5172 EDIT feature request New Priority08 TaxonInteraction - add ";" and space between records and change order Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Reviewed Next Major Release cdm-dataportal corvidae Actions
5071 EDIT feature request New Priority08 distribution filter widget - remove button to unselect areas Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Reviewed Next Major Release cdm-dataportal search faunaEuropaea Actions
4583 EDIT bug Closed Priority09 zoological names with book as nomref shown with undesirable comma Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-dataportal Actions
3564 EDIT bug New Priority09 Image metadata in lightbox not loaded in some cases Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Reviewed Next Major Release cdm-dataportal image-viewer Actions
2711 EDIT feature request New Priority09 Proper handling of cdm webservice HTTP status codes Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Reviewed Next Major Release cdm-dataportal Actions
3240 EDIT bug Duplicate Priority10 media/{uuid}/metadata service fails with some metadata Andreas Kohlbecker cdmlib-remote Actions
6092 PhycoBank task Rejected Priority10 Ilustration in algal descriptions Andreas Kohlbecker Validation Actions
3030 EDIT feature request New Priority10 Jenkins php jobs: setup for code analysis, mess detection etc.. Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Reviewed Next Major Release devOps jenkins Actions
4964 EDIT bug Duplicate Priority10 footnotes for taxonRelationship sources and annotations should be rendered together Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-dataportal Actions
2602 EDIT bug Worksforme Priority10 Taxon synonymy: type designation footnotes rendered together with taxon_page_synonymy footnotes Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-dataportal Actions
615 EDIT task Closed Priority10 remove suns repository Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 5.6 cdmlib Actions
8204 EDIT feature request New Priority10 RegistrationWorkingsetEditor shows list of unused sections and allows for delting them Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Reviewed Next Major Release cdm-vaadin Actions
7248 EDIT task New Priority10 Remove extra transaction in CdmStore.deleteBean(T bean, AbstractView view) Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Reviewed Next Major Release cdm-vaadin phycobank Actions
4305 EDIT feature request In Progress Priority10 newly created entities must stay editable even if a user only has the permission to create them Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Reviewed Next Major Release cdmlib permission security euro+med migration phycobank Actions
7928 EDIT feature request New Priority10 Name type should not be identical to typified name Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Unassigned CDM tickets cdm-vaadin phycobank Actions
7971 EDIT report Closed Priority11 Curator can see preparations in submitter's RegistrationWorkingSets Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Unassigned CDM tickets cdm-vaadin phycobank permission Actions
7139 EDIT task Rejected Priority11 consider using spring profiles to enable vaadin UI contexts Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-vaadin phycobank Actions
6125 EDIT task New Priority11 Implement tests for OAuth2 in cdmlib-remote Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Unassigned CDM tickets cdmlib-remote security OAuth2 Actions
3385 EDIT feature request New Priority11 install enable and configure WYSIWYG editors be default Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Reviewed Next Major Release cdm-dataportal Actions
3697 EDIT feature request New Priority11 Distinguish display of fossil and "normal" occurrence records in specimen map Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Reviewed Next Major Release cdm-dataportal map corvidae Actions
6337 EDIT feature request Rejected Priority11 simple web ui to trigger the transmission engine distribution Andreas Kohlbecker cdm-dataportal transmission-engine-distribution euro+med Actions
2850 EDIT bug New Priority11 Error message on empty distribution Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - cdm_dataportal - Next Major Release cdm-dataportal Actions
1080 EDIT feature request Closed Priority11 Model changes for references, taxonBase, OriginalSource Andreas Kohlbecker cdmlib Actions
(1-25/1388) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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