ChooseFromMultipleTaxonNodesDialog_CHOOSE_CLASSIFICATION=Choose Classification ChooseFromMultipleTaxonNodesDialog_CHOOSE_CLASSIFICATION_MESSAGE=The taxon is part of multiple classification. Please choose the one you want to open. EditorStateManager_ERROR_OPEN_WINDOW=Error opening an editor window EditorStateManager_REFRESH_EDITOR=Refreshing Editors EditorStateManager_RESTORE_EDITORS=Restoring Editors EditorUtil_COMFIRM_SAVE=Confirm save EditorUtil_CONFIRM_SAVE_MESSAGE=Warning - this operation will save the editor. This will also save all other unsaved changes in your working editor to the database. Please 'Cancel' if you are not ready to do this. EditorUtil_ORPHAN_ACCEPTED_TAXON=Orphaned accepted taxon EditorUtil_ORPHAN_ACCEPTED_TAXON_MESSAGE=The accepted taxon of this synonym is not part of any classification. Editing with the name editor is currently not implemented. Try to edit the taxon with the bulk editor. EditorUtil_ORPHAN_TAXON=Orphaned Taxon EditorUtil_ORPHAN_TAXON_MESSAGE=This is an orphaned taxon i.e. a taxon that is not connected to a classification and not having any taxonomic relationships. Editing of orphaned taxa in the name editor is currently not supported. Try editing with the bulk editor MultiPageTaxonEditor_INVALID_INPUT=Invalid Input: Must be TaxonEditorInput MultiPageTaxonEditor_NEW_TAXON=New taxon MultiPageTaxonEditor_NO_NAME_SPECIFIED=No Name Specified MultiPageTaxonEditor_NO_NAME_SPECIFIED_MESSAGE=An attempt was made to save a taxon or synonym with an empty name. Operation was cancelled. MultiPageTaxonEditor_POST_OP_CALLED=postOperation called on MultiPageTaxonEditor. Can you make it more specific? MultiPageTaxonEditor_POST_OP_NOT_ENABLED=postOperation not enabled for editor MultiPageTaxonEditor_REFRESH_ERROR=Error refreshing editor MultiPageTaxonEditor_REFRESH_ERROR_MESSAGE=Could not refresh this editor MultiPageTaxonEditor_SAVING_EDITOR=Saving Editor MultiPageTaxonEditor_SAVING_TAXON=saving a taxon MultiPageTaxonEditor_SAVING_TAXON_MESSAGE=\ Please close and reopen the taxon again. MultiPageTaxonEditor_UNSAVED_DATA=Editor has unsaved data MultiPageTaxonEditor_UNSAVED_DATA_MESSAGE=This editor can not be refreshed because it contains unsaved data. Refreshing this editor would discard the changes. Please save this editor, close and reopen it manually in order to get the latest content SimpleSelectionProvider_SETTING_SELECTION=Setting Selection TaxonEditorInput_INCORRECT_STATE=Incorrect state TaxonEditorInput_NEW_TAXON=New taxon TaxonEditorInput_NO_ACCEPTED_TAXON_PRESENT=Trying to open accepted taxon for a synonym or misapplication but no accepted taxa are present. This should not have happened. TaxonEditorInput_NOT_IMPLEMENTED=Not yet implemented TaxonEditorInput_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_MESSAGE=Selected element is not type TaxonBase. TaxonEditorInput_OPEN_MISSAPPLIED_NAME=trying to open Mispplied Name TaxonEditorInput_TAXON_NOT_IN_CLASSIFICATION=The accepted taxon is not part of any classification. Editing with the name editor is currently not implemented. Try to edit the taxon with the bulk editor. TaxonEditorInputFactory_COULD_NOT_CREATE=Could not create element TaxonEditorInputFactory_NOT_FOUND_TAXON=Couldn't find taxon node with UUID UseObjectManager_RESET_DATA=Reset usage data