Windows Vista

  1. Click on the Windows Start button at the bottom left of your computer screen. The Start menu will open.
  2. Click in the search bar at the bottom of the menu.
  3. Enter .cdmLibrary:

    Windows Start button

    A menu of matching search results will open.
  4. Click the Search Everywhere option at the bottom of the search results menu.
    A "Search results in indexed locations" window will open. At the left hand side is a list of locations with matching folder names. One of these will be your user location on your PC.
  5. Click the arrow icon at the left of your user directory to expand the menu. The cdm.Library folder will be found in the menu.
    Click the .cdmLibrary folder once and press the Delete button on the keyboard. A pop-up box will appear asking "do you really want to delete this folder".
  6. Press Enter on the keyboard to confirm.
    The .cdmLibrary folder will be deleted.

If you cannot locate your .cdmLibrary folder using this method, please see the Microsoft help page for Windows Vista at:

You can now delete the shortcut from your desktop: click on the shortcut, press the delete button on the keyboard; a pop-up will ask you to confirm the deletion;