# # NOTE: this is the unitils.properties file for the cdmlib-persistence module # a separate unitils.properties exists for cdmlib-io and for cdmlib-services # # # the list of all properties is found in # http://unitils.org/unitils-default.properties # ### Unitils Modules ### # List of modules that is loaded. Overloading this list is normally not useful, unless you want to add a custom # module. Disabling a module can be performed by setting unitils.module..enabled to false. # If a module's specific dependencies are not found (e.g. hibernate is not in you classpath), this module is not loaded, # even if it is in this list and the enabled property is set to true. It's therefore not strictly necessary to disable # any of these modules. #DEFAULT: unitils.modules=database,dbunit,hibernate,mock,easymock,inject,spring,jpa unitils.module.easymock.enabled=false unitils.module.mock.enabled=false ### Database ### # # Name or path of the user specific properties file. This file should contain the necessary parameters to connect to the # developer's own unit test schema. It is recommended to override the name of this file in the project specific properties # file, to include the name of the project. The system will try to find this file in the classpath, the user home folder # (recommended) or the local filesystem. # unitils.configuration.localFileName=unitils-cdmlib-local.properties # H2 # # database.driverClassName=org.h2.Driver #database.url=jdbc:h2:file:./src/test/resources/h2/cdmTest;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE database.url=jdbc:h2:file:./target/test-classes/h2/cdmTest;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE database.dialect=h2 database.userName=sa database.password= database.schemaNames=PUBLIC org.dbunit.dataset.datatype.IDataTypeFactory.implClassName.h2=org.dbunit.ext.h2.H2DataTypeFactory org.unitils.core.dbsupport.DbSupport.implClassName.h2=eu.etaxonomy.cdm.database.H2DbSupport database.storedIndentifierCase.h2=auto database.identifierQuoteString.h2=auto #### Transaction mode ### # # If set to commit or rollback, each test is run in a transaction, # which is committed or rolled back after the test is finished. # Since we have many tests with incomplete data these tests would be # failing during commit so it is better use rollback as default # and set commit for individual test where necessary DatabaseModule.Transactional.value.default=rollback # org.unitils.database.transaction.impl.DefaultUnitilsTransactionManager is used by default: # # Implements transactions for unit tests, by delegating to a spring PlatformTransactionManager. # The concrete implementation of PlatformTransactionManager that is used depends on the test class. # If a custom PlatformTransactionManager was configured in a spring ApplicationContext, this one is used. # If not, a suitable subclass of PlatformTransactionManager is created, depending on the configuration # of a test. E.g. if some ORM persistence unit was configured on the test, a PlatformTransactionManager # that can offer transactional behavior for such a persistence unit is used. # If no such configuration is found, a DataSourceTransactionManager is used. # # org.unitils.database.transaction.UnitilsTransactionManager.implClassName=org.unitils.database.transaction.impl.SpringTransactionManager ### Hibernate ### # HibernateModule.configuration.implClassName=org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration