Navigating between Taxon Records

It is possible to open multiple taxon records so that there are several documents open in the Taxon Name panel. Each taxon will be opened as a new document; each document can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate tab at the top of the free text panel. A double-arrow icon will displayed at the top right of the panel when there are more taxa open than are currently visible; the number refers to the number of open taxon records.

The tabs of 2 taxon records are visible and there are 4 open taxon records that are not currently displayed

In order to view more tabs of taxon records you can expand the width of the Taxon Name panel using the arrows that appear at the sides of the panel when you hover the mouse arrow over them (see Panel Sizes). Also, clicking on the double-arrow icon will reveal a list of all the open taxon records; those in bold are those for which the tabs are not current displayed:

Taxa with currently displayed tabs Open taxa with tabs not currently displayed

You can click on any of the taxon records in the drop-down list to activate that record in the Taxon Name panel.