# buckminster.properties # ---------------------- # These properties control how buckminster performs a build, where output should be placed, # where temporary files should be kept, and where options for signing, packing, and # platforms are stated. # # Where all the output should go buckminster.output.root=${user.home}/tmp/feature # Where the temp files should go buckminster.temp.root=${user.home}/tmp/feature/taxeditor.tmp # How .qualifier in versions should be replaced qualifier.replacement.*=generator:lastModified generator.lastModified.format='v'yyyyMMdd-HHmm #qualifier.replacement.*=generator:lastRevision #generator.lastRevision.format=r{0,number,00000} #qualifier.replacement.*=generator:buildTimestamp #generator.buildTimestamp.format='v'yyyyMMdd'_'HHmm # Sets the Java compiler compliance level org.eclipse.buckminster.core.jdt.compliancelevel= 1.6 # Should source bundles be built and included #cbi.include.source=true cbi.include.source=false # If a site should use pack200, turn off for faster build # site.pack200=true # If a site should be signed # site.signing=true # If a site should be signed locally, or remotely at Eclipse # signing.type=eclipse.remote # Should local signing be performed # local.sign=true # Should source bundles be built and included #cbi.include.source=false #build.type=N # What platforms should be built, * for "all" target.os=* target.ws=* target.arch=* buckminster.p2.site=http://download.eclipse.org/tools/buckminster/headless-3.6 director.url=http://download.eclipse.org/tools/buckminster/products/director_latest.zip