------ Setting up a Taxonomic Editor development environment ------ n.hoffmann ------ Setting up a Taxonomic Editor development environment This document describes all steps necessarry to create a development environment to develop the EDIT Taxonomic Editor. If you are looking for instructions on how to install the EDIT Taxonomic Editor please consult the {{{./manual.html} manual}}. %{toc|section=0|fromDepth=2|toDepth=3} * Requirements The current version of the EDIT Taxonomic Editor is developed against Eclipse Indigo for RCP developers. * Checking out the sources Use subversion to check out the sources from the EDIT repository to a location on your development machine. --- $ svn co http://dev.e-taxonomy.eu/svn/trunk/taxeditor --- This will leave you with a directory <<>> containing everything that is needed. We will have a look at the contents later on. * Setting up eclipse * Start up eclipse (make sure you have the required version installed) and open a workspace. * Open up the Import Wizard via Import...> from the menu * Choose Existing projects into Workspace > and click next. * Check to finish the wizard and import the projects into your workspace. You should now be able to see the taaxeditor projects in your workspace. * The eclipse installation may be missing the following plugins which have to be installed via their update site: * from update site: * from update site: * Nebula CompositeTable Widget> from update site: * To Install the plugins use the Eclipse-Install-Wizard via Install new Software> and paste the URL in the row. Click and use the Filter to find, check and install plugins. * Dependencies The Taxonomic Editor uses for convenient configuration and automation of common tasks, such as resolving dependencies and automating builds. The <<>> of the Taxonomic Editor is programmed against the latest SNAPSHOT version of the cdmlibrary. Because that dependency will change quickly, we do not imclude it with the other dependencies but rather install it with maven. In order to do that you have to run <<>> in your <<>> directory. --- $ cd taxeditor/eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.cdmlib/ $ mvn validate --- This will take some time, as maven will download the required dependencies. After maven has finished follow these steps: To get rid of the errors, you have to update the classpaths of all plugin projects. To do this right-click any of the projects and choose Update Classpath...>. Click