[taxeditor.git] / eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.store / OSGI-INF / l10n / bundle.properties
1 #Properties file for eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.store
2 page.name = Local Preferences
3 page.name.0 = Factual Data
4 page.name.1 = Features
5 page.name.2 = Distribution Status
6 page.name.3 = Taxonomic
7 page.name.4 = Nomenclatural Code
8 page.name.5 = Ranks
9 page.name.6 = Nomenclatural Status
10 page.name.7 = Name Relationships
11 page.name.8 = Concept Relationships
12 page.name.9 = Type Designation (Specimen)
13 page.name.10 = Available Languages
14 page.name.11 = Marker
15 page.name.12 = Extension Types
16 page.name.13 = Type Designation (Name)
17 page.name.14 = Named Area Type
18 page.name.15 = Matching
19 page.name.16 = Taxon Name Matching Strategy
20 page.name.17 = Reference Matching Strategy
21 page.name.18 = Team or Person Matching Strategy
22 page.name.19 = Stage
23 page.name.20 = Preservation Method
24 page.name.22 = Default Feature Trees
25 page.name.23 = Multi-Language Support
26 page.name.24 = Mobot Open Url
27 page.name.25 = Type Designations
28 page.name.36 = Details View
29 page.name.37 = Cdm Preferences
30 page.name.38 = General
31 page.name.39 = Nomenclatural Code
32 page.name.100 = Distribution
33 page.name.101 = Term Editor
34 page.name.102 = Name Details View
35 view.name = Datasource
36 view.name.0 = Progress
37 view.name.1 = Message
38 view.name.2 = Reporting
39 view.name.3 = Supplemental Data
40 view.name.4 = Details
41 view.name.5 = Use Records
42 view.name.6 = Derivative Search
43 view.name.7 = Specimen Search
44 view.name.8 = GBIF Specimen Import
45 editor.name = Defined Term Editor
46 view.name.9 = Selection
47 command.label = Derivative Search
48 command.label.0 = Details
49 command.label.1 = Supplemental
50 command.label.2 = Datasource
51 command.label.3 = Error Log
52 command.label.4 = Reporting
53 command.label.5 = Switch User
54 command.label.6 = Create Data Model
55 command.label.7 = New
56 command.label.8 = Edit
57 command.label.9 = Delete
58 command.label.11 = Update Datamodel
59 menu.label.0 = New
60 command.label.12 = Vocabulary
61 command.label.13 = Defined Term
62 command.label.14 = Delete
63 extension.name = Popup Menu Commands
64 command.name = Connect Datasource
65 command.name.0 = Edit Datasource
66 command.name.1 = Create Datasource
67 command.name.3 = Update Datasource
68 command.name.4 = Show Login Window
69 command.name.5 = Open Defined Term Editor
70 commandParameter.name.0 = inputType
71 command.name.6 = New Defined Term
72 command.name.7 = New Term Vocabulary
73 category.name = CDM
74 wizard.name = TCS
75 wizard.name.0 = Berlin Model
76 wizard.name.1 = Endnote
77 wizard.name.2 = Excel Normal Explicit Taxa
78 wizard.name.3 = ABCD
79 wizard.name.4 = SDD
80 wizard.name.5 = Specimen CDM Excel
81 category.name.0 = CDM
82 wizard.name.6 = JAXB
83 wizard.name.7 = Berlin Model
84 category.name.1 = Excel
85 wizard.name.8 = SDD
86 wizard.name.9 = DwC-A
87 wizard.name.10 = Reference
88 wizard.name.11 = Name
89 wizard.name.12 = Team
90 wizard.name.13 = Person
91 wizard.name.14 = Specimen
92 wizard.name.15 = Polytomous Key
93 category.name.2 = CDM
94 wizard.name.16 = Taxon
95 wizard.name.17 = Classification
96 themeElementCategory.label = Taxonomic Editor
97 themeElementCategory.description = Color and font definitions for the EDIT Taxonomic Editor
98 colorDefinition.label = List Background
99 colorDefinition.label.0 = Global Text Color
100 colorDefinition.label.1 = Global Color Composite Background
101 colorDefinition.label.2 = Global Color Composite Irrelevant
102 colorDefinition.label.3 = Global Text Color Disabled
103 colorDefinition.label.4 = Global Background Color Disabled
104 themeElementCategory.label.0 = Details View
105 themeElementCategory.description.0 = Colors and fonts for the details view
106 colorDefinition.label.5 = Entity Element List Background Odd
107 colorDefinition.label.6 = Entity Element List Background Even
108 themeElementCategory.label.1 = Name Editor
109 themeElementCategory.description.1 = Colors and fonts for the name editor
110 colorDefinition.label.7 = Container Background
111 colorDefinition.label.8 = Container Selected Focus
112 colorDefinition.label.9 = Container Selected
113 colorDefinition.label.10 = Container Drag Enter
114 fontDefinition.label = Accepted Taxon Font
115 fontDefinition.label.0 = Synonym Font
116 fontDefinition.label.1 = Misapplication Font
117 fontDefinition.label.2 = Concept Font
118 fontDefinition.label.3 = Default Font
119 themeElementCategory.label.2 = Search View
120 themeElementCategory.description.2 = Colors and fonts for the search view
121 colorDefinition.label.11 = Search View Foreground
122 colorDefinition.label.12 = Search View Focus
123 fontDefinition.label.4 = Accepted font
124 fontDefinition.description = The font that is used for accepted taxa in the search result list.
125 fontDefinition.label.5 = Synonym font
126 fontDefinition.description.0 = The font that is used for synonyms in the search result list.
127 fontDefinition.label.6 = Other font
128 fontDefinition.description.1 = The font used by default in the search result list.
129 colorDefinition.label.13 = Parse Error
130 colorDefinition.label.14 = Disabled Name Editor Field
131 colorDefinition.label.15 = Editor On Error
132 page.name.26 = Specimens
133 page.name.27 = Media
134 page.name.28 = Distribution Editor
135 page.name.29 = Editor Profile
136 page.name.30 = Language
137 page.name.32 = Taxon Navigator
138 page.name.33 = Sort of Taxonnodes
139 page.name.34 = Debugging
140 page.name.35 = Areas for Distributions
141 command.label.clone = Clone
142 command.label.openInSpecimenEditor = Open in Specimen Editor (tree)
143 page.name.31 = Order of Taxonnodes
144 extension.name.0 = Popup Menu Commands
145 command.name.8 = Clone Datasource
146 command.name.9 = Open Feature Tree Editor Wizard
147 command.name.10 = Open Password Wizard
148 command.name.11 = Open Distribution Editor Wizard
149 command.name.110 = Open Admin Distribution Editor Wizard
150 command.name.12 = Connect
151 wizard.name.18 = CSV
152 wizard.name.19 = CSV_NAME
153 wizard.name.20 = CSV_PRINT
154 wizard.name.21 = Specimen Search
155 activity.description = DELETE permission dependent ui contributions
156 activity.name = Delete
157 activity.description.0 = UPDATE permission dependent ui contributions
158 activity.name.0 = Update
159 activity.description.1 = CREATE permission dependent ui contributions
160 activity.name.1 = Delete
161 activity.description.2 = ROLE_USER_MANAGER dependent ui contributions
162 activity.name.2 = UserManagement
163 activity.description.3 = ROLE_PROJECT_MANAGER dependent ui contributions
164 activity.name.3 = ProjectManagement
165 command.name.13 = delete
166 command.name.14 = delete
167 command.name.15 = Open
168 command.name.16 = Serverside Preferences
169 view.name.SESSIONS = Sessions
170 command.label.SESSION = Sessions
171 command.label.CONNECT = Connect
172 command.label.RE_CONNECT = Re-Connect
173 command.name.CONNECT = Connect
174 command.name.RE_CONNECT = Re-Connect
175 command.name.OPEN_CLASSIFICATION_WIZARD = Open Classification Wizard
176 command.name.OPEN_TAXONNODE_WIZARD = Open Taxon Node Wizard
178 command.name.INSPECT_ACTIVE_SESSIONS = Inspect Active Session
179 viewCommandMapping.viewerName.CLASSIFICATION_WIZARD = Classification Wizard
180 viewCommandMapping.viewerName.TAXON_NODE_WIZARD = Taxon Node Wizard
181 command.label.CHANGE_PASSWORD = Change password
182 wizard.name.22 = CDM light (csv)
183 wizard.name.23 = Excel Distribution Data Update
184 wizard.name.24 = RIS Reference
185 command.label.25 = Import Preferences
186 partdescriptor.label.featureTreeEditor = Feature Tree Editor
187 command.name.OPEN_REFERENCING_OBJECTS_VIEW = Open Referencing Objects View
188 extension.name.1 = Store Workbench Model
189 page.name.21 = Distribution Editor
190 page.name.40 = ABCD Import
191 page.name.41 = ABCD Import Provider
192 page.name.42 = Serverside Preferences
193 page.name.50 = General
194 page.name.43 = Nomenclatural Code
195 page.name.44 = Name Details View
196 extension-point.name = Cdm Viewer
197 extension-point.name.0 = Preference Page
198 extension-point.name.1 = Admin Preference Page
199 page.name.45 = Specimen
200 page.name.46 = Publish Flag
201 page.name.47 = Common Names
202 page.name.48 = Search Dialogs
203 command.name.111 = Open Admin Distributionstatus-Wizard
204 command.name.112 = Open Admin CommonNameArea-Wizard
205 command.name.120 = Open CommonNameArea-Wizard
206 handledmenuitem.label.1 = New Feature Tree
207 handledmenuitem.label.2 = Add Child Feature
208 handledmenuitem.label.3 = Add Feature
209 handledmenuitem.label.4 = Export as Word file
210 handledmenuitem.label.5 = Remove Feature
211 handledmenuitem.label.6 = Delete Feature Tree
212 handledmenuitem.label.7 = Kind Of Term
213 partdescriptor.label.1 = Gfbio Term Import
214 partdescriptor.tooltip.1 = Gfbio Term Import
215 command.commandname.1 = Add Feature
216 command.description.1 = Add a feature to the feature tree
217 command.commandname.2 = Remove Feature
218 command.description.2 = Removes a feature from the feature tree
219 command.commandname.3 = Export Feature Tree
220 command.commandname.4 = New kind-of term
221 command.commandname.5 = Inspect Session
222 command.commandname.6 = Check for updates
223 command.commandname.7 = Add child feature
224 command.commandname.8 = Delete feature tree
225 command.commandname.9 = Create feature tree
226 command.commandname.10 = Restart
227 menu.label.1 = Terms
228 handledmenuitem.label.8 = Feature Tree Editor
229 handledmenuitem.tooltip.1 = Feature Tree Editor
230 handledmenuitem.label.9 = Gfbio Term Import
231 handledmenuitem.tooltip.2 = Gfbio Term Import
232 menu.label.2 = Export
233 menu.label.3 = Import
234 handledmenuitem.label.10 = Restart
235 handledmenuitem.label.11 = Check for updates
237 handledmenuitem.label.12 = Paste
238 handledmenuitem.label.13 = Copy
239 command.commandname.11 = Copy Feature
240 command.commandname.12 = Paste Feature
241 command.commandname.13 = Open Distribution Status Wizard
243 menu.label.4 = Export
244 handledmenuitem.label.14 = Export as Ontology
245 command.commandname.14 = Export as Ontology
247 page.name.49 = Experimental Features
248 page.name.51 = Names
249 page.name.52 = Taxa
250 page.name.53 = UI
251 page.name.54 = External Services
252 page.name.55 = Supplemental Data
253 page.name.56 = Search
254 page.name.57 = Taxon Search
255 page.name.58 = Common Names