[taxeditor.git] / eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.store / OSGI-INF / l10n / messages.properties
1 CdmDataSourceViewPart_1=Loading datasources
2 CdmDataSourceViewPart_10=Server
3 CdmDataSourceViewPart_11=Name
4 CdmDataSourceViewPart_12=Connected
5 CdmDataSourceViewPart_2=Notes
6 CdmDataSourceViewPart_3=Compatible
7 CdmDataSourceViewPart_4=CDM Version
8 CdmDataSourceViewPart_5=Created
9 CdmDataSourceViewPart_6=Nomenclatural Code
10 CdmDataSourceViewPart_7=Database
11 CdmDataSourceViewPart_8=Type
12 CdmDataSourceViewPart_9=Up
13 LanguageEditorPreferencePage_ChooseDefaultLanguage=Please choose your default language for the editor:
14 LanguageEditorPreferencePage_EditorHasToRestart=The application has to be restarted, in order to complete the language switch.\nDo you want to restart now?
15 LanguageEditorPreferencePage_PleaseRestart=Please Restart
16 LanguageEditorPreferencePage_RestartRequired=After changing the default language, a restart is required,\nin order for the new settings to take effect.
17 OrderPreferencePage_NewNavigatorWindowRequired=After changing the order of the taxon nodes, closing and reopen of the taxon navigator is required.
18 OrderPreferencePage_PleaseReopenNavigator=Please close and reopen the taxon navigator.
19 UriWithLabelElement_URL_NOT_SAVED=URI won't be saved\!
20 UriWithLabelElement_COULD_NOT_OPEN_BROWSER=Could not open external browser. URI is invalid.
21 UriWithLabelElement_INVALID_URL=Invalid URI
22 UriWithLabelElement_OPEN_EXTERNAL_BROWSER=Open in external browser
24 ChangeConnectionHandler_DATASOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE=Chosen datasource is not available
25 ChangeConnectionHandler_CURRENTLY_CONNECTING_ALREADY=You are currently creating a data model for a datasource already.
26 ChangeConnectionHandler_ALREADY_CONNECTING=Already creating data model
27 ChangeConnectionHandler_NOT_AVAILABLE_REASONS=This could mean that either the database server is not running or the machine is not reachable.\n\n Please also make sure that you are connected to the network when trying to connect to a remote datasource.
28 ChangeConnectionHandler_CREATE_DATAMODEL=Create Data Model
29 ChangeConnectionHandler_REALLY_CREATE_DATAMODEL=Do you want to create the data model for %s?\n\nCAUTION: Existing data will be deleted!\n\nNote: Creating the data model may take some time.
31 LoginDialog_CANCEL_MESSAGE=Aborting the login procedure will close the database.
32 LoginDialog_LOGIN=Login
33 LoginDialog_PASSWORD=Password
34 LoginDialog_REALLY_CANCEL=Do you really want to cancel?
35 LoginDialog_USER_LOGIN=User Login
36 LoginDialog_USER_NAME=Username
38 CdmViewerContextMenu_OPEN=Open (%s)
39 CdmViewerContextMenu_OPEN_IN=Open in...
41 CdmStoreConnector_AUTHENTICATING_USER=Authenticating user
42 CdmStoreConnector_CHECK_IF_EDITOR_IS_COMPATIBLE=Checking if datasource is compatible with this editor.
43 CdmStoreConnector_CHECK_IF_NON_EMPTY=Checking if datasource is a non empty CDM database.
44 CdmStoreConnector_CHECK_IF_REACHABLE=Checking if datasource is reachable.
45 CdmStoreConnector_COMPATIBILITY_CHECK_FAILED=Datasource Compatibility Check failed
46 CdmStoreConnector_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_TO_CHOSEN_DATASOURCE=Could not connect to chosen datasource
47 CdmStoreConnector_COULD_NOT_CREATE_DATAMODEL=Could not create data model
48 CdmStoreConnector_CREATING_DATAMODEL=Creating data model for %s
49 CdmStoreConnector_ERROR_DURING_DATAMODEL_CREATION=An error occurred while trying to create data model for data source: %s\nPlease clear the data base and retry.
50 CdmStoreConnector_SUCCESS=Success
51 CdmStoreConnector_DATA_MODEL_CREATION_SUCCESSFUL=Data model created successfully
52 CdmStoreConnector_REASON=Reason:
53 CdmStoreConnector_SCHEME_NOT_COMPATIBLE=The database schema for the chosen datasource '%s' \n is not compatible for this version of the taxonomic editor. \n\n%s
54 CdmStoreConnector_UPDATE_DATASOUREC_OR_CHOOSE_NEW_DATASOURCE=Please update the chosen datasource or choose a new data source to connect to in the Datasource View.
55 CdmStoreConnector_UPDATE_EDITOR_OR_CHOOSE_COMPATIBLE_DATASOURCE=Please update the Taxonomic Editor (Help->Check for Updates) or choose a compatible datasource