Mockup with Master-Details page.
[taxeditor.git] / src / eu / etaxonomy / taxeditor /
1 FormView.title=Hello, Eclipse Forms
2 here.
3 FormView.linkMessage=Link activated\!
4 FormView.longLink=This is an example of a form that is much longer and will need to wrap.
5 FormView.textLabel=Text field label:
6 FormView.checkbox=A checkbox in a form
7 FormView.expandable=Expandable Composite title
8 FormView.expandableText=We will now create a somewhat long text so that
9 FormView.expandablText2=we can use it as content for the expandable composite.
10 FormView.expandableText3=Expandable composite is used to hide or show the text using the
11 FormView.expandableText4=toggle control
12 FormView.stitle=Section title
13 FormView.sdesc=This is the description that goes below the title
14 FormView.radio1=Radio 1
15 FormView.radio2=Radio 2
16 FormView.ftext1=Here is some plain text for the text to render;
17 FormView.ftext2=this text is at <a href="" nowrap="true"></a> web site.
18 FormView.ftext3=<span color="header" font="header">This text is in header font and color.</span>
19 FormView.ftext4=<p>This line will contain some <b>bold</b> and some <span font="code">source</span> text.
20 FormView.ftext5=We can also add <img href="image"/> an image.
21 FormView.ftext6=<li>A default (bulleted) list item.</li>
22 FormView.ftext7=<li>Another bullet list item.</li>
23 FormView.ftext8=<li style="text" value="1.">A list item with text.</li>
24 FormView.ftext9=<li style="text" value="2.">Another list item with text</li>
25 FormView.ftext10=<li style="image" value="image">List item with an image bullet</li>
26 FormView.ftext11=<li style="text" bindent="20" indent="40" value="3.">A list item with text.</li>
27 FormView.ftext12=<li style="text" bindent="20" indent="40" value="4.">A list item with text.</li>
28 FormView.ftext13=<p> leading blanks; more white \n\n new lines <br/> \n more <b> bb </b> white . </p>
29 FormView.lmessage=Link active:
30 FreeFormPage.label=First Page
31 FreeFormPage.title=Free-form text with links
32 hyperlink with longer text.
33 FreeFormPage.button=Button
34 FreeFormPage.sectionTitle1=Expandable Section with a longer title
35 FreeFormPage.sectionTitle2=Section title
36 FreeFormPage.sectionDescription=This is a section description that should be rendered below the separator.
37 FreeFormPage.mtitle=Eclipse Forms
38 FreeFormPage.mtext=Link activated: href=
39 SecondPage.label=Section Page
40 SecondPage.title=Title for the second page
41 SecondPage.firstSection=First Table Section
42 SecondPage.secondSection=Second Table Section
43 SecondPage.add=Add...
44 SecondPage.desc=This section has a tree and a button.
45 ScrolledPropertiesBlock.sname=Names
46 ScrolledPropertiesBlock.sdesc=Click on a name to edit its fields in the detail view.
47 ScrolledPropertiesBlock.add=Add...
48 ScrolledPropertiesBlock.horizontal=Horizontal orientation
49 ScrolledPropertiesBlock.vertical=Vertical orientation
50 the properties of the selected TypeOne object.
51 Two Details
52 TypeTwoDetailsPage.desc=Set the properties of the selected TypeTwo object.
53 TypeOneDetailsPage.check=Value of the flag property
54 TypeOneDetailsPage.label=Text property:
55 TypeTwoDetailsPage.flag1=Value of the flag1 property
56 TypeTwoDetailsPage.flag2=Value of the flag2 property
57 Editor
58 SimpleModel.t1_i1=TypeOne instance 1
59 SimpleModel.text1=Some text
60 SimpleModel.t1_i2=TypeOne instance 2
61 SimpleModel.text2=Different text
62 SimpleModel.t1_i3=TypeOne instance 3
63 SimpleModel.text3=Text
64 SimpleModel.t1_i4=TypeOne instance 4
65 SimpleModel.text4=Longer text
66 SimpleModel.t1_i5=TypeOne instance 5
67 SimpleModel.text5=Sample
68 SimpleModel.t2_i1=TypeTwo instance 1
69 SimpleModel.t2_i2=TypeTwo instance 2
70 MasterDetailsPage.label=Master Details
71 MasterDetailsPage.title=Edit Name Demo
72 ThirdPage.label=Flow Page
73 ThirdPage.title=Form with wrapped controls
74 Section
75 ThirdPage.ls1.desc=An example of a section with links
76 Section
77 ThirdPage.ls2.desc=An example of a section with links
78 Section
79 ThirdPage.ms1.desc=An example of a section with both links and form controls
80 Section
81 ThirdPage.ls3.desc=An example of a section with links
82 Section
83 ThirdPage.cs1.desc=An example of a section with form controls
84 Section
85 ThirdPage.ls4.desc=An example of a section with links
86 Section
87 ThirdPage.ls5.desc=An example of a section with links
88 Section
89 ThirdPage.ms2.desc=An example of a section with both links and form controls
90 Section
91 ThirdPage.l6.desc=An example of a section with links
92 Section
93 ThirdPage.cs2.desc=An example of a section with links
94 Section
95 ThirdPage.l7.desc=An example of a section with links
96 Section
97 ThirdPage.l8.desc=An example of a section with links
98 Section
99 ThirdPage.m3.desc=An example of a section with both links and form controls
100 Section
101 ThirdPage.l9.desc=An example of a section with links
102 Section
103 ThirdPage.c3.desc=An example of a section with form controls
104 text
105 ThirdPage.button1=A radio button 1
106 ThirdPage.button2=A radio button 2
107 ThirdPage.button3=A radio button with a longer text
108 ThirdPage.checkbox=A checkbox button
109 ThirdPage.longlink=A longer hyperlink text example
110 ThirdPage.link2=Another hyperlink text
111 ThirdPage.textLabel=A text label:
112 PageWithSubPages.label=Composite Page
113 PageWithSubPages.title=Form with subpages
115 PageWithSubPages.copyright.text=Copyright 2004 IBM and others.
116 Agreement
117 PageWithSubPages.license.text=LICENSE AGREEMENT\n\nUse this feature any way you want.
119 PageWithSubPages.desc.text=A simple description of the feature
120 PageWithSubPages.apply=Apply
121 PageWithSubPages.reset=Reset
122 TypeOne.c1=Choice 1
123 TypeOne.c2=Choice 2
124 TypeOne.c3=Choice 3
125 TypeOne.c4=Choice 4