Updated version in pom / project files to taxeditor version : 3.8.0-SNAPSHOT and...
[taxeditor.git] / eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.application / OSGI-INF / l10n / plugin_de.properties
1 productName=EDIT Taxonomischer Editor
2 productBlurb=EDIT Taxonomischer Editor\n\Version: {0}\nBuild Date: {1} CET\n\n\
3 Copyright (C) 2009-2014 EDIT\n\European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy \n\
4 http://cybertaxonomy.eu/ \n\n\
5 The contents of this product are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 \n\
6 you may not use this product except in compliance with the License. \n\
7 You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ \n\
8 Software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, \n\
9 WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. \n\
10 See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under \n\
11 the License.
12 extension.name = Taxonomischer Editor
13 perspective.name = Taxonomisch
14 perspective.name.0 = Polytomer Schlüssel
15 perspective.name.1 = Nutzung
16 perspective.name.2 = Derivate
17 menu.label = Datei
18 menu.label.0 = Bearbeiten
19 menu.label.1 = Extras
20 menu.label.2 = Hilfe
21 menu.label.3 = Neu
22 command.label = Schlie\u00dfen
23 command.label.0 = Schlie\u00dfe alle
24 command.label.1 = Speichern
25 command.label.2 = Speichere alle
26 command.label.3 = Import...
27 command.label.4 = Export...
28 command.label.5 = Beenden
29 command.label.6 = R\u00fcckg\u00e4ngig
30 command.label.7 = Letzen Befehl wiederholen
31 command.label.8 = Ausschneiden
32 command.label.9 = Kopieren
33 command.label.10 = Einf\u00fcgen
34 command.label.11 = L\u00f6schen
35 command.label.12 = Einstellungen
36 command.label.13 = Hilfeinhalt
37 command.label.14 = Suchen
38 command.label.15 = Dynamische Hilfe
39 command.label.16 = Parser Hilfe Webseite (in Englisch)
40 command.label.17 = Suche nach Updates
41 command.label.18 = Installiere Neue Software...
42 command.label.19 = \u00dcber den Taxonomischen Editor
43 command.label.20 = \u00dcber die EDIT Platform
44 command.label.21 = Neu
45 command.label.22 = Speichern
46 product.name = EDIT Taxonomischer Editor
47 command.name = Parser Hilfe
48 command.name.0 = \u00dcber die EDIT Platform
49 activity.description = Schalte unerw\u00fcnschte eclipse UI aus
50 activity.name = Ausschalten
51 product.name.0 = EDIT Taxonomischer Editor