Merge branch 'release/4.6.0'
[taxeditor.git] / eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.molecular / src / main / java / eu / etaxonomy / taxeditor / molecular / l10n /
1 exportSequenceToFileHandlerIOErrorMessage=An error occurred when trying to export a consensus sequence alignment to the file "%s".
2 exportSequenceToFileHandlerIOErrorTitle=I/O error
3 exportSequenceToFileHandlerOverwriteTitle=Overwrite file
4 exportSequenceToFileHandlerOverwriteText=The file \"%s\" already exists.\n\nDo you want to overwrite it?
5 wizardExportAlignmentAppendExtensionButton=Append default extension
6 wizardExportAlignmentBrowseButton=Browse...
7 wizardExportAlignmentDataLabel=Select the data to export:
8 wizardExportAlignmentDescription=Define the output file and format.
9 wizardExportAlignmentDestinationLabel=Select the export destination:
10 wizardExportAlignmentErrorMissingFileName=The file name must not be empty.
11 wizardExportAlignmentErrorMissingSeqLabel=The consensus sequence label must not be empty.
12 wizardExportAlignmentErrorNothingToExport=Either single reads or the consensus sequence have to be selected for export.
13 wizardExportAlignmentExportConsensusSeqLabel=Export consensus sequence
14 wizardExportAlignmentExportFormatLabel=Select the export format:
15 wizardExportAlignmentExportSingleReads=Export single reads
16 wizardExportAlignmentFileDialogTitle=Export to
17 wizardExportAlignmentFileLabel=Alignment file:
18 wizardExportAlignmentTitle=Sequence export
19 wizardExportAlignmentWarningFileNameStartsDot=File starting with '.' are not supported on all operating systems.
20 wizardExportAlignmentwarningMissingExtension=The file name does have a valid extension for the selected format.
21 wizardExportAlignmentWarningFileExists=The file already exists and will be overwritten.
22 wizardExportAlignmentOptionsDescription=Specify additional export parameters.
23 wizardExportAlignmentOptionsTitle=Export options
24 wizardExportAlignmentExportedSeqHeading=Specify the sequences to be exported:
25 wizardExportAlignmentAdditionalOptionsHeading=Specify additional export options:
26 wizardExportAlignmentElongateSeqHeading=Elongate sequences to have equal length with:
27 wizardExportAlignmentElongateSeqMissingData=Missing data ('?')"
28 wizardExportAlignmentElongateSeqGap=Gap ('-')
30 AlignmentEditor_CUTTING_FAILURE=Cutting pherograms is only possible if exactly one row is selected.
31 AlignmentEditor_EDIT_MODE=Edit mode:
32 AlignmentEditor_ERROR_SINGLE_READ=Error
33 AlignmentEditor_ERROR_SINGLE_READ_MESSAGE=A single read was skipped because of the following error:\n\n
34 AlignmentEditor_INSERT=Insert
35 AlignmentEditor_INSERTION_PHEROGRAM=Insertion in pherogram:
36 AlignmentEditor_LEFT=Left
37 AlignmentEditor_LEFT_END_OUTSIDE=The left end of the selection lies outside the pherogram attached to this sequence.
38 AlignmentEditor_MUST_HAVE_TYPE=The editor input must have the type %s
39 AlignmentEditor_NEW_READ_FAILURE=Creating new reads from AlignmentEditor not implemented.
40 AlignmentEditor_NO_ATTACHED_PHEROGRAM=There is no pherogram attached to the current sequence.
41 AlignmentEditor_OVERWRITE=Overwrite
42 AlignmentEditor_RIGHT=Right
43 AlignmentEditor_RIGHT_END_OUTSIDE=The right end of the selection lies outside the pherogram attached to this sequence.
44 AlignmentEditor_SAVING_ALIGNMENT=Saving alignment
45 AlignmentEditorInput_EDITOR_NAME=AlignmentEditor
46 PherogramMouseListener_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_VIEW=Unable to create pherogram view
48 CutPherogramLeftHandler_CUT_FAILURE=Unable to cut base call sequence
49 CutPherogramRightHandler_CUT_FAILURE=Unable to cut base call sequence
50 EditSequenceHandler_COULD_NOT_OPEN=Could not open AlignmentEditor
51 HandlerTools_COULD_NOT_LOAD_ICON=Icon "%s" could not be loaded.
52 LoadPherogramHandler_AB1=AB1 pherogram files
53 LoadPherogramHandler_ALL=All files
54 LoadPherogramHandler_ALL_FORMATS=All supported formats
55 LoadPherogramHandler_IMPORT_PHEROGRAM=Import pherogram into contig alignment
56 LoadPherogramHandler_SCF=SCF pherogram files
57 LoadPherogramHandler_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT=Unsupported format
58 LoadPherogramHandler_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT_FILE=Unsupported format
59 LoadPherogramHandler_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT_FILE_MESSAGE=An IO error occurred while trying to read the file
60 LoadPherogramHandler_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT_MESSAGE=The format of the pherogram file "%s" is not supported. (Only AB1 and SCF are supported.)
61 ShowPherogramHandler_ERROR=Error
62 ShowPherogramHandler_NO_PHEROGRAM=No pherogram available
63 ShowPherogramHandler_NO_PHEROGRAM_MESSAGE=The selected read does not have an associated pherogram.
64 ToggleInsertOverwriteHandler_SWITCH_INSERTION=Click to switch to insertion mode
65 ToggleInsertOverwriteHandler_SWITCH_OVERWRITE=Click to switch to overwrite mode
66 ToggleLeftRightInsertionHandler_LEFT=Left
67 ToggleLeftRightInsertionHandler_RIGHT=Right
68 ToggleLeftRightInsertionHandler_SWITCH_LEFT=Switch to insert pherogram distorsions left of future edits.
69 ToggleLeftRightInsertionHandler_SWITCH_RIGHT=Switch to insert pherogram distorsions right of future edits.
71 AlignmentEditorPasteHandler_CANCEL=Cancel
72 AlignmentEditorPasteHandler_PASTE_FAILURE=Unable to paste multiple lines
73 AlignmentEditorPasteHandler_PASTE_FAILURE_MESSAGE=The current cursor height (%1$d) does not match the number of lines to be pasted (%2$d).%3$s%3$sYou can either change the cursor height accordingly or set the cursor height to one allowing you to paste all lines from the clipboard into one sequence.
74 AlignmentEditorPasteHandler_PASTING_LINES=Pasting multiple lines
75 AlignmentEditorPasteHandler_PASTING_LINES_FIRST_LINE=Only paste the first line from the clipboard
76 AlignmentEditorPasteHandler_PASTING_LINES_IGNORE=Ignore line breaks and paste as one sequence
77 AlignmentEditorPasteHandler_PASTING_LINES_QUESTION=The text to be pasted contains mutlitple lines (%d) although the current cursor height is 1. What do you want to do?
79 CDMPherogramAlignmentObjectTranslator_NOT_IMPLEMENTED=Not implemented.
80 CDMSequenceMatrixAdapter_EITHER_MUST_BE_TRUE=Either exportConsensus or exportSingleReads must be true. Otherwise no sequences would be contained in this matrix.
81 CDMSequenceMatrixAdapter_NO_SEQUENCE_FOUND=No sequence with the ID "%d" could be found.
82 SequenceIDIterator_NO_MORE_SEQUENCES=There are no more sequence IDs availble from this iterator.
83 SequenceIDIterator_REMOVE_NOT_SUPPORTED=This iterator does not support removing elements.
85 ExportSingleReadAlignmentWizard_EXPORT_SINGLE_READ=Export single read alignment