[taxeditor.git] / src / site / fml / troubleshooting.fml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <faqs xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/FML/1.0.1"
3 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
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5 title="Troubleshooting"
6 toplink="true">
7 <part id="general">
8 <title>General</title>
9 <faq id="How_can_I_configure_logging_in_the_editor">
10 <question>How can I configure logging in the editor?</question>
11 <answer>
12 <p>To get log4j to read your own configuration when developing the editor or
13 anything that has to do with cdmLibrary eclipse plugin you have to tell
14 log4j explicitly what configuration it should use. Otherwise it will scan
15 the classpath and use the first log4j.xml/log4j.properties file it finds
16 (which is mostly the log4j.properties in cdmlib-commons as it will be the
17 first one it encounters).</p>
18 <p>Passing the following argument to the Virtual Machine however does the trick:</p>
19 <source>-Dlog4j.configuration=file:///&lt;path to your personal&gt;/log4j.properties</source>
20 <p>If you run into trouble , you can debug log4j's startup sequence by passing
21 another argument to the VM.</p>
22 <source>-Dlog4j.debug</source>
23 </answer>
24 </faq>
25 <faq id="taxeditor_projects_have_errors">
26 <question>Some of the taxeditor projects have errors</question>
27 <answer>
28 <p>And the errors do look like the cdmlib dependecies can not be resolved, there are two possible solutions for this problem.</p>
29 <ol>
30 <li><em>cdmlib-plugin</em> does not contain the cdmlib dependencies
31 <p>Please follow the instructions on <a href="./getting-started.html#Dependencies">how to initialize the cdmlib-plugin</a></p>
32 </li>
33 <li>Your classpath is outdated
34 <p>Update your classpath by right-clicking any of the <em>taxeditor-*</em> projects and choose <em>PDE Tools -&gt; Update Classpath...</em>. Click &lt;Select All&gt; in the dialog and confirm.</p>
35 </li>
36 </ol>
37 </answer>
38 </faq>
39 <faq id="Launching_the_editor_from_eclipse_is_simply_not_working">
40 <question>Launching the editor from eclipse is simply not working for me.</question>
41 <answer>
42 <p>This could be due to many reasons. Please have a look at the <a href="http://dev.e-taxonomy.eu/trac/wiki/TroubleshootingEditorLaunches">Troubleshooting Editor Launches</a> document on the developers wiki.</p>
43 </answer>
44 </faq>
45 <faq id="No_application_id_has_been_found">
46 <question>I get a "RuntimeException: No application id has been found." preceded by lots of "Missing required bundle" errors when launching my run/debug configuration</question>
47 <answer>
48 <p>Whenever you change something in the plguin dependency hirarchy, i.e. adding, (re)moving, or renaming a dependant plugin your run configuration does not know about that automatically. To solve this:</p>
49 <ul>
50 <li>In eclipse, open the <em>Run Configurations</em> wizard</li>
51 <li>Choose the run configuration in question</li>
52 <li>Select the <em>Plug-ins</em> tab</li>
53 <li>Click <em>Deselect All</em> from the buttons on the right</li>
54 <li>Click <em>Add Required Plug-ins</em></li>
55 <li>Apply your changes</li>
56 </ul>
57 <p>The editor should launch again.</p>
58 </answer>
59 </faq>
60 <faq id="ubuntu_gtk2_eclipse_rcp_crash">
61 <question>The Taxonomic Editor crashes or freezes in recent Ubuntu versions</question>
62 <answer>
63 <p>In recent Ubuntu versions (13.04, 13.10) the Taxomomic Editor crashes frequently (KDE) or freezes for some time (GNOME). The crashes in KDE are due to a bug which affects all Eclipse indigo (3.7) RCP based applications. Even this bug is currently discussed in the affected developer communities: <a href="https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1241101">launchpad bug 1241101</a>, <a href="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=419729">eclipse bug 419729</a> the cause of this bug is still unclear.
64 </p>
65 <p>In KDE the crash occurs when the oxygene_gtk is being used. Therefore switching to another GTK2 theme is known as a temporary solution. The GTK2 theme Raleigh has been sucessfully used as a replacement to the oxygen_gtk2. You can either configure it globally or set the environmanet variable GTK2_RC_FILES for the application to run.</p>
66 <p>
67 <code>GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Raleigh/gtk-2.0/gtkrc "/path/to/EDIT Taxonomic Editor/TaxonomicEditor"</code>
68 </p>
69 <p>The font size is usually too big in the default configration of this theme. In order to have a nicer font, you can create a file named .gtkrc-eclipse in your user home folder with the following content:</p>
70 <pre>style "eclipse" {
71 font_name = "Ubuntu 9"
72 }
73 class "GtkWidget" style "eclipse"
74 </pre>
75 <p>Finally, to launch the Editor, use following command line:</p>
76 <p>
77 <code>GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Raleigh/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:~/.gtkrc-eclipse "/path/to/EDIT Taxonomic Editor/TaxonomicEditor"</code>
78 </p>
79 </answer>
80 </faq>
81 </part>
82 </faqs>