-------------- Statistics API -------------- -------------- 2013-01-29 -------------- CDM Taxonomic Statistics API This web service endpoint provides statistic data about several different entities from CDM data. Request: The parameters are: * '<>' [optional] : the two possible values are * <<>> : for all data base * <<>> : for statistics on every classification - The two values could be combined as well. - Choosing no value for this parameter, gives statistics for all database (similar to <<>>) . * '<>' [optional] : this parameter could have the values * <<>> : all classification are counted. This value effects a result on <<>> as classifications must not have nested classifications * <<>> : to count all taxa, meaning accepted taxa and synonyms * <<>> : to count the accepted taxa (class Taxon) * <<>> : to count the synonyms (class Synonym) * <<>> : to count all names (from taxa and synonyms) * <<>> : to count all kinds of references * <<>> : to count the references attached to names * <<>>: to count the references attached to any description - Default: If no type is set all types are choosen. [] Response: The response format can be set by appending the format extension to the service endpoint. Currently this web service supports JSON (fully implemented) and XML (partially implemented). The response is a list of objects. One for each part: one object for statistics over all data base and one for each classification. Each object has the following structure: * <<>> : It holds the computed response in a map list of short description of each type counted and the number of it's occurrency (e.g. ""). * <<>> : The filter mirrows the part parameter values of the request, whereas the type holds a list of the types to be count in each part. * <<>> : It holds a list of the path to the object that is observed - it holds for the whole data base (<[null]>). For a classification it holds and the classification object because the classification belongs to the data base; e.g.: <\[null, {"class": "Classification", "created": "2010-05-27T16:59:04.000+02:00", "data": \[ \], "lsid": null, "microReference": "", "protectedTitleCache": false, "titleCache": "standard view", "updated": "2013-01-29T17:03:00.358+01:00", "uuid": "534e190f-3339-49ba-95d9-fa27d5493e3e"}\]>. * <<>> : It provides a list of of all the types to be counted, represented by an enum class. E.g.: <\["DESCRIPTIVE_SOURCE_REFERENCES", "TAXON_NAMES"\]>. [] Features: With the two parameters iterating over several values in one query URL, you can make the request accurately fitting to the statistics you want. {Example Requests}: * request with no parameters: * {{{no parameters} /statistics.json}} - is similar to: * request for statistics of the whole data base for all available types: * {{{no parameters} /statistics.json?part=ALL&type=CLASSIFICATION&type=ALL_TAXA&type=ACCEPTED_TAXA&type=SYNONYMS&type=TAXON_NAMES&type=ALL_REFERENCES&type=NOMECLATURAL_REFERENCES&type=DESCRIPTIVE_SOURCE_REFERENCES}} * request for types all taxa (including synonyms) and nomenclatural references in the classifications: * {{{nomenclatural references in the classifications} /statistics.json?part=CLASSIFICATION&type=ALL_TAXA&type=NOMECLATURAL_REFERENCES}} * request for the types accepted taxa and all references for all data base and classifications: * {{{accepted taxa and all references} /statistics.json?part=ALL&part=CLASSIFICATION&type=ACCEPTED_TAXA&type=ALL_REFERENCES}} Example Responses: * request with {no parameters}: <<>> - similar to: *request for statistics of the whole data base for all available types: <<>>{{{Example Requests} (back to requests)}} --- [ { "class": "Statistics", "countMap": { "Taxon_names": 36618, "Synonyms": 30620, "Accepted_taxa": 16254, "Nomeclatural_references": 11969, "Classifications": 2, "Descriptive_source_references": 1304, "References": 19443, "All_taxa": 46874 }, "request": { "class": "StatisticsConfigurator", "filter": [ null ], "type": [ "CLASSIFICATION", "ALL_TAXA", "ACCEPTED_TAXA", "SYNONYMS", "TAXON_NAMES", "ALL_REFERENCES", "NOMECLATURAL_REFERENCES", "DESCRIPTIVE_SOURCE_REFERENCES" ] } } ] --- *request for types all taxa (including synonyms) and {nomenclatural references in the classifications}: <<>>{{{Example Requests} (back to requests)}} --- [ { "class": "Statistics", "countMap": { "Nomeclatural_references": 9293, "All_taxa": 27563 }, "request": { "class": "StatisticsConfigurator", "filter": [ null, { "class": "Classification", "created": "2010-05-27T16:59:04.000+02:00", "data": [ ], "lsid": null, "microReference": "", "protectedTitleCache": false, "titleCache": "standard view", "updated": "2013-01-29T19:18:50.857+01:00", "uuid": "534e190f-3339-49ba-95d9-fa27d5493e3e" } ], "type": [ "ALL_TAXA", "NOMECLATURAL_REFERENCES" ] } }, { "class": "Statistics", "countMap": { "Nomeclatural_references": 6375, "All_taxa": 15900 }, "request": { "class": "StatisticsConfigurator", "filter": [ null, { "class": "Classification", "created": "2010-06-03T15:15:22.000+02:00", "data": [ ], "lsid": null, "microReference": "", "protectedTitleCache": false, "titleCache": "ICN Alternative Classification", "updated": "2010-10-21T08:57:49.000+02:00", "uuid": "76b17487-3df4-41c7-8043-2bbb266eac00" } ], "type": [ "ALL_TAXA", "NOMECLATURAL_REFERENCES" ] } } ] --- *request for the types {accepted taxa and all references} for all data base and classifications: <<>>{{{Example Requests} (back to requests)}} --- [ { "class": "Statistics", "countMap": { "Accepted_taxa": 16254, "References": 19443 }, "request": { "class": "StatisticsConfigurator", "filter": [ null ], "type": [ "ACCEPTED_TAXA", "ALL_REFERENCES" ] } }, { "class": "Statistics", "countMap": { "Accepted_taxa": 10776, "References": null }, "request": { "class": "StatisticsConfigurator", "filter": [ null, { "class": "Classification", "created": "2010-05-27T16:59:04.000+02:00", "data": [ ], "lsid": null, "microReference": "", "protectedTitleCache": false, "titleCache": "standard view", "updated": "2013-01-29T18:48:50.690+01:00", "uuid": "534e190f-3339-49ba-95d9-fa27d5493e3e" } ], "type": [ "ACCEPTED_TAXA", "ALL_REFERENCES" ] } }, { "class": "Statistics", "countMap": { "Accepted_taxa": 4027, "References": null }, "request": { "class": "StatisticsConfigurator", "filter": [ null, { "class": "Classification", "created": "2010-06-03T15:15:22.000+02:00", "data": [ ], "lsid": null, "microReference": "", "protectedTitleCache": false, "titleCache": "ICN Alternative Classification", "updated": "2010-10-21T08:57:49.000+02:00", "uuid": "76b17487-3df4-41c7-8043-2bbb266eac00" } ], "type": [ "ACCEPTED_TAXA", "ALL_REFERENCES" ] } } ] ---