---- Developing with the CDM Library ---- Developing with the CDM Library %{toc|section=0|fromDepth=2|toDepth=3} <> The CDM Library uses Apache Maven for dependency management. If you are not familiar with that please take a look at the {{{https://dev.e-taxonomy.eu/trac/wiki/GeneralDev#Maven}developer resources on the wiki}}. In case you run into problems, you might want to check {{{./troubleshooting.html}Troubleshooting}} or contact {{{mailto:editsupport@bgbm.org}editsupport@bgbm.org}} directly. * Integrating the CDM Library into a maven project To integrate the CDM Library into your personal maven project pelase add our maven repository to your POM: {{http://wp5.e-taxonomy.eu/cdmlib/mavenrepo/}}. To use the package add the following dependency to you POM (adapt the right version number !!): --- eu.etaxonomy cdmlib-service x.x --- * Spring applications with the CDM Library In your own applicationContext.xml you can simply import the cdm service spring beans from the library. In addition it also needs a datasource bean and a hibernateProperties bean specific for that datasource. The CDM Library comes with an embedded hypersonic database that is super easy to use. All you need to do is to import that hsql specific spring configuration like this: --- applicationContext.xml --- In case you want to define the datasource within your own applicationContext you can surely do so. For a typical mysql database it looks like this: --- applicationContext.xml validate org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect org.hibernate.cache.NoCacheProvider false false --- * Developing the CDM Library with Eclipse To use the entire CDM Library with {{{http://www.eclipse.org/} Eclipse}}, you must meet the following prerequisites: * Maven 2.2.1 commandline tools. Follow the instruction to install maven on your local machine. See {{{https://dev.e-taxonomy.eu/trac/wiki/GeneralDev#Maven}}} for installation instructions. * Subclipse 1.6.x (for convenient subversion access from Eclipse). {{{http://subclipse.tigris.org/}}} * Java JDK >= 1.6 (JRE is not enough) and JAVA_HOME is set to JDK path [] ** Preparing the CDM Library Start by checking out the source code from the subversion repository: --- $ svn co http://dev.e-taxonomy.eu/svn/trunk/cdmlib/ . --- Change into the cdmlib directory, compile and install the cdmlib packages in your local repository. This will also download the dependencies into your local repository. --- $ cd cdmlib $ mvn install --- Let maven create project dependencies and Eclipse metafiles (.project s.o.) --- $ mvn eclipse:eclipse --- ** Configuring Eclipse * Setup a new Eclipse workspace (where ever you want but using the cdmlib folder may be comfortable) * In Eclipse preferences (not project properties) set a java class variable called <<>>, pointing to your local repository. * Eclipse Preferences: Java -> Build Path -> Classpath * Click <<>>. In the upcoming dialog, enter <<>> as the variables name and browse the filesystem for the location of the maven repository * In OSX for example <<>> * In WinXP for example <<>> * Import the cdmlib projects: * In Eclipse open the Import Wizard: File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace * Choose "Select root directory". Click "Browse" and navigate to your cdmlib folder and confirm the file dialog. * The projects should now show in the Import Wizard window. Select the projects you want wo work on (usually all) and hit OK. * Getting started with the cdmlib based web services A good starting point for getting familiar with the cdmlib based web services is this documentation on the cdm-server in general, and the documentation on the {{{rest-api.html} CDM REST API}}. Usually you will be mostly interested into the generic API Service which exposes more or less one to one the service layer of the CDM architecture to the web. If you want to take a look at the code, the almost all of the web service implementation is found in the maven sub module <<>>. Inside this module the controllers are found in <<>>. The serialization to json and xml is done by <<>> but we might switch to Jackson in the future. Beans which support the serialization are found in <<>>, and last but not least you will also be interested into the configuration which ties everything together: <<>> The maven module module <<>> only contains the views and the controllers. All parts (mostly configuration) required to let it run in a web application context are contained in another module <<>>, this module actually is run as a server instance by the {{{/cdm-server}cdm-server}}, configuration files are found in <<>> * Where do I go from here? Now that you have integrated or installed the CDM Library you are probably looking for documentation on how to develop with it. A good start is to read the {{{./reference.html}reference documentation}} of the CDM Library. The {{{./cdm-uml}UML diagrams}} are also a good starting point to get familiar with the structure of the Common Data Model itself or consult the {{{./apidocs}javadoc}} for the API documentation. Please also have a look at the {{{http://dev.e-taxonomy.eu/trac/wiki/GeneralDev} general information}} and {{{http://dev.e-taxonomy.eu/trac/wiki/CdmLibraryDev} further information about coding with the CDM Library}} in the development wiki.