[cdmlib.git] / cdmlib-persistence / src / main / java / eu / etaxonomy / cdm / persistence / dao / hibernate / taxon / TaxonNodeDaoHibernateImpl.java
1 /**
2 * Copyright (C) 2007 EDIT
3 * European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy
4 * http://www.e-taxonomy.eu
5 *
6 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
7 * See LICENSE.TXT at the top of this package for the full license terms.
8 */
10 package eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.hibernate.taxon;
12 import java.math.BigInteger;
13 import java.util.ArrayList;
14 import java.util.Collection;
15 import java.util.Collections;
16 import java.util.Comparator;
17 import java.util.HashMap;
18 import java.util.HashSet;
19 import java.util.Iterator;
20 import java.util.List;
21 import java.util.Map;
22 import java.util.Set;
23 import java.util.UUID;
25 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
26 import org.hibernate.Criteria;
27 import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
28 import org.hibernate.Query;
29 import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections;
30 import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;
31 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
32 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
33 import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
35 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.common.CdmUtils;
36 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.common.monitor.IProgressMonitor;
37 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.hibernate.HibernateProxyHelper;
38 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.CdmBase;
39 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.TreeIndex;
40 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.name.Rank;
41 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.name.TaxonName;
42 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.reference.NamedSource;
43 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.reference.Reference;
44 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Classification;
45 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.SecundumSource;
46 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Synonym;
47 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Taxon;
48 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonBase;
49 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonNode;
50 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonNodeAgentRelation;
51 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonRelationship;
52 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.common.Restriction;
53 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.hibernate.common.AnnotatableDaoImpl;
54 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.taxon.IClassificationDao;
55 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.taxon.ITaxonDao;
56 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.taxon.ITaxonNodeDao;
57 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.taxon.ITaxonRelationshipDao;
58 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dto.SortableTaxonNodeQueryResult;
59 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dto.SortableTaxonNodeQueryResultComparator;
60 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dto.TaxonNodeDto;
61 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dto.UuidAndTitleCache;
62 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.query.OrderHint;
64 /**
65 * @author a.mueller
66 * @since 16.06.2009
67 */
68 @Repository
69 @Qualifier("taxonNodeDaoHibernateImpl")
70 public class TaxonNodeDaoHibernateImpl extends AnnotatableDaoImpl<TaxonNode>
71 implements ITaxonNodeDao {
73 private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TaxonNodeDaoHibernateImpl.class);
75 private static final int DEFAULT_SET_SUBTREE_PARTITION_SIZE = 100;
77 @Autowired
78 private ITaxonDao taxonDao;
79 @Autowired
80 private IClassificationDao classificationDao;
81 @Autowired
82 private ITaxonRelationshipDao taxonRelDao;
84 public TaxonNodeDaoHibernateImpl() {
85 super(TaxonNode.class);
86 }
88 @Override
89 public UUID delete(TaxonNode persistentObject, boolean deleteChildren){
90 Taxon taxon = persistentObject.getTaxon();
91 taxon = HibernateProxyHelper.deproxy(taxon);
93 /*Session session = this.getSession();
94 Query query = session.createQuery("from TaxonNode t where t.taxon = :taxon");
95 query.setParameter("taxon", taxon);
96 List result = query.list();*/
97 if (taxon != null){
98 Hibernate.initialize(taxon);
99 Hibernate.initialize(taxon.getTaxonNodes());
100 Set<TaxonNode> nodes = taxon.getTaxonNodes();
101 //Hibernate.initialize(taxon.getTaxonNodes());
102 for (TaxonNode node:nodes) {
103 node = HibernateProxyHelper.deproxy(node);
105 if (node.equals(persistentObject)){
106 if (node.hasChildNodes()){
107 Iterator<TaxonNode> childNodes = node.getChildNodes().iterator();
108 TaxonNode childNode;
109 List<TaxonNode> listForDeletion = new ArrayList<>();
110 while (childNodes.hasNext()){
111 childNode = childNodes.next();
112 listForDeletion.add(childNode);
113 childNodes.remove();
115 }
116 for (TaxonNode deleteNode:listForDeletion){
117 delete(deleteNode, deleteChildren);
118 }
119 }
121 taxon.removeTaxonNode(node, deleteChildren);
122 taxonDao.saveOrUpdate(taxon);
123 taxon = HibernateProxyHelper.deproxy(taxonDao.findByUuid(taxon.getUuid()), Taxon.class);
124 taxonDao.delete(taxon);
126 }
127 }
128 }
130 UUID result = super.delete(persistentObject);
131 return result;
132 }
134 @Override
135 public List<TaxonNode> getTaxonOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(Classification classification, Integer start, Integer end) {
136 int classificationId = classification.getId();
137 String limit = "";
138 if(start !=null && end != null){
139 limit = "LIMIT "+start+"," +end;
140 }
141 //FIXME write test
142 String queryString = "SELECT DISTINCT nodes.*,taxa.titleCache "
143 + " FROM TaxonNode AS nodes "
144 + " LEFT JOIN TaxonBase AS taxa ON nodes.taxon_id = taxa.id "
145 + " WHERE taxa.DTYPE = 'Taxon' "
146 + " AND nodes.classification_id = " + classificationId +
147 " ORDER BY taxa.titleCache " + limit;
148 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
149 List<TaxonNode> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(queryString).addEntity(TaxonNode.class).list();
151 return result;
152 }
154 @Override
155 public int countTaxonOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(Classification classification){
156 int classificationId = classification.getId();
157 //FIXME write test
158 String queryString = ""
159 + " SELECT DISTINCT COUNT('nodes.*') "
160 + " FROM TaxonNode AS nodes "
161 + " LEFT JOIN TaxonBase AS taxa ON nodes.taxon_id = taxa.id "
162 + " WHERE taxa.DTYPE = 'Taxon' AND nodes.classification_id = " + classificationId;
163 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
164 List<BigInteger> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(queryString).list();
165 return result.get(0).intValue ();
166 }
168 @Override
169 public List<TaxonNodeDto> listChildNodesAsUuidAndTitleCache(TaxonNodeDto parent) {
170 String queryString =
171 " SELECT tn.uuid, tn.id, t.titleCache "
172 + " FROM TaxonNode tn "
173 + " INNER JOIN tn.taxon AS t "
174 + " WHERE tn.parent.uuid = :parentId";
176 Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
177 query.setParameter("parentId", parent.getUuid());
179 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
180 List<Object[]> result = query.list();
182 List<TaxonNodeDto> list = new ArrayList<>();
183 for(Object[] object : result){
184 list.add(new TaxonNodeDto((UUID) object[0],(Integer) object[1], (String) object[2]));
185 }
186 return list;
187 }
189 @Override
190 public List<TaxonNodeDto> listChildNodesAsTaxonNodeDto(TaxonNodeDto parent) {
191 String queryString =
192 " SELECT tn "
193 + " FROM TaxonNode tn "
194 + " INNER JOIN tn.taxon AS t "
195 + " WHERE tn.parent.uuid = :parentId";
196 Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
197 query.setParameter("parentId", parent.getUuid());
199 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
200 List<TaxonNode> result = query.list();
202 List<TaxonNodeDto> list = new ArrayList<>();
203 for(TaxonNode object : result){
204 list.add(new TaxonNodeDto(object));
205 }
206 return list;
207 }
209 @Override
210 public List<TaxonNodeDto> getUuidAndTitleCache(Integer limit, String pattern, UUID classificationUuid, boolean includeDoubtful) {
212 Query query = createQueryForUuidAndTitleCache(limit, classificationUuid, pattern, includeDoubtful);
213 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
214 List<SortableTaxonNodeQueryResult> result = query.list();
215 Collections.sort(result, new SortableTaxonNodeQueryResultComparator());
216 if(logger.isTraceEnabled()){
217 logger.trace("number of matches:" + result.size());
218 result.stream().forEach(o -> logger.trace("uuid: " + o.getTaxonNodeUuid() + " titleCache:" + o.getTaxonTitleCache() + " rank: " + o.getNameRank()));
219 }
220 List<TaxonNodeDto> list = new ArrayList<>();
221 // int index = limit;
222 for(SortableTaxonNodeQueryResult stnqr : result){
223 // if (index > 0){
224 list.add(new TaxonNodeDto(stnqr.getTaxonNodeUuid(),stnqr.getTaxonNodeId(), stnqr.getTaxonTitleCache()));
225 // index --;
226 // }
228 }
230 return list;
231 }
233 private Query createQueryForUuidAndTitleCache(Integer limit, UUID classificationUuid, String pattern, boolean includeDoubtful){
234 String doubtfulPattern = "";
235 String queryString = "SELECT new " + SortableTaxonNodeQueryResult.class.getName() + "("
236 + " node.uuid, node.id, t.titleCache, rank"
237 + ") "
238 + " FROM TaxonNode AS node "
239 + " JOIN node.taxon as t " // FIXME why not inner join here?
240 + " INNER JOIN t.name AS name "
241 + " LEFT OUTER JOIN name.rank AS rank "
242 + " WHERE ";
244 if (classificationUuid != null){
245 queryString = queryString + " node.classification.uuid like :classificationUuid " ;
246 }
247 if (pattern != null){
248 if (pattern.equals("?")){
249 limit = null;
250 } else{
251 if (!pattern.endsWith("*")){
252 pattern += "%";
253 }
254 pattern = pattern.replace("*", "%");
255 pattern = pattern.replace("?", "%");
256 if (classificationUuid != null){
257 queryString = queryString + " AND ";
258 }
259 queryString = queryString + " (t.titleCache LIKE (:pattern) " ;
260 doubtfulPattern = "?" + pattern;
261 if (includeDoubtful){
262 queryString = queryString + " OR t.titleCache LIKE (:doubtfulPattern))";
263 }else{
264 queryString = queryString + ")";
265 }
266 }
268 }
270 Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
271 if (pattern != null){
272 query.setParameter("pattern", pattern);
273 }
274 if (includeDoubtful){
275 query.setParameter("doubtfulPattern", doubtfulPattern);
276 }
278 if(classificationUuid != null){
279 query.setParameter("classificationUuid", classificationUuid);
280 }
281 if (limit != null){
282 query.setMaxResults(limit);
283 }
284 return query;
285 }
289 @Override
290 public TaxonNodeDto getParentUuidAndTitleCache(TaxonNodeDto child) {
291 String queryString = ""
292 + " SELECT tn.parent.uuid, tn.parent.id, tn.parent.taxon.titleCache, "
293 + " tn.parent.classification.titleCache "
294 + " FROM TaxonNode tn"
295 + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tn.parent.taxon"
296 + " WHERE tn.id = :childId";
297 Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
298 query.setParameter("childId", child.getId());
299 List<TaxonNodeDto> list = new ArrayList<>();
301 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
302 List<Object[]> result = query.list();
304 for(Object[] object : result){
305 UUID uuid = (UUID) object[0];
306 Integer id = (Integer) object[1];
307 String taxonTitleCache = (String) object[2];
308 String classificationTitleCache = (String) object[3];
309 if(taxonTitleCache!=null){
310 list.add(new TaxonNodeDto(uuid,id, taxonTitleCache));
311 }
312 else{
313 list.add(new TaxonNodeDto(uuid,id, classificationTitleCache));
314 }
315 }
316 if(list.size()==1){
317 return list.iterator().next();
318 }
319 return null;
320 }
321 @Override
322 public List<TaxonNode> listChildrenOf(TaxonNode node, Integer pageSize, Integer pageIndex,
323 boolean recursive, boolean includeUnpublished, List<String> propertyPaths, Comparator<TaxonNode> comparator){
324 return listChildrenOfRecursive(node,new ArrayList<>(), pageSize, pageIndex, recursive, includeUnpublished, propertyPaths, comparator);
325 }
327 private List<TaxonNode> listChildrenOfRecursive(TaxonNode node, List<TaxonNode> previousResult, Integer pageSize, Integer pageIndex,
328 boolean recursive, boolean includeUnpublished, List<String> propertyPaths, Comparator<TaxonNode> comparator){
330 if (recursive == true && comparator == null ){
331 Criteria crit = childrenOfCriteria(node, includeUnpublished);
333 this.addPageSizeAndNumber(crit, pageSize, pageIndex);
334 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
335 List<TaxonNode> results = crit.list();
336 results.remove(node);
337 defaultBeanInitializer.initializeAll(results, propertyPaths);
338 return results;
340 } else if (recursive == true){
341 List<TaxonNode> children = node.getChildNodes();
342 Collections.sort(children, comparator);
343 for (TaxonNode child: children){
344 if (!previousResult.contains(child)){
345 previousResult.add(child);
346 }
347 if (child.hasChildNodes()){
348 previousResult = listChildrenOfRecursive(child, previousResult, pageSize, pageIndex,
349 recursive, includeUnpublished, propertyPaths, comparator);
350 }
351 }
352 return previousResult;
354 } else{
355 return classificationDao.listChildrenOf(node.getTaxon(), node.getClassification(), null,
356 includeUnpublished, pageSize, pageIndex, propertyPaths);
357 }
358 }
360 @Override
361 public Long countChildrenOf(TaxonNode node, Classification classification,
362 boolean recursive, boolean includeUnpublished) {
364 if (recursive == true){
365 Criteria crit = childrenOfCriteria(node, includeUnpublished);
366 crit.setProjection(Projections.rowCount());
367 return ((Integer)crit.uniqueResult().hashCode()).longValue();
368 }else{
369 return classificationDao.countChildrenOf(
370 node.getTaxon(), classification, null, includeUnpublished);
371 }
372 }
374 private Criteria childrenOfCriteria(TaxonNode node, boolean includeUnpublished) {
375 Criteria crit = getSession().createCriteria(TaxonNode.class);
376 crit.add( Restrictions.like("treeIndex", node.treeIndex()+ "%") );
377 if (!includeUnpublished){
378 crit.createCriteria("taxon").add( Restrictions.eq("publish", Boolean.TRUE));
379 }
380 return crit;
381 }
383 @Override
384 public List<TaxonNodeAgentRelation> listTaxonNodeAgentRelations(UUID taxonUuid, UUID classificationUuid,
385 UUID agentUuid, UUID rankUuid, UUID relTypeUuid, Integer start, Integer limit,
386 List<String> propertyPaths) {
388 StringBuilder hql = prepareListTaxonNodeAgentRelations(taxonUuid, classificationUuid,
389 agentUuid, rankUuid, relTypeUuid, false);
391 Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql.toString());
393 if(limit != null) {
394 query.setMaxResults(limit);
395 if(start != null) {
396 query.setFirstResult(start);
397 }
398 }
400 setParamsForListTaxonNodeAgentRelations(taxonUuid, classificationUuid, agentUuid, rankUuid, relTypeUuid, query);
402 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
403 List<TaxonNodeAgentRelation> records = query.list();
405 if(propertyPaths != null) {
406 defaultBeanInitializer.initializeAll(records, propertyPaths);
407 }
408 return records;
409 }
411 @Override
412 public <S extends TaxonNode> List<S> list(Class<S> type, List<Restriction<?>> restrictions, Integer limit,
413 Integer start, List<OrderHint> orderHints, List<String> propertyPaths) {
414 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
415 return list(type, restrictions, limit, start, orderHints, propertyPaths, INCLUDE_UNPUBLISHED);
416 }
418 @Override
419 public <S extends TaxonNode> List<S> list(Class<S> type, List<Restriction<?>> restrictions, Integer limit,
420 Integer start, List<OrderHint> orderHints, List<String> propertyPaths, boolean includePublished) {
422 Criteria criteria = createCriteria(type, restrictions, false);
424 if(!includePublished){
425 criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("taxon.publish", true));
426 }
428 addLimitAndStart(criteria, limit, start);
429 addOrder(criteria, orderHints);
431 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
432 List<S> result = criteria.list();
433 defaultBeanInitializer.initializeAll(result, propertyPaths);
434 return result;
435 }
437 @Override
438 public long count(Class<? extends TaxonNode> type, List<Restriction<?>> restrictions) {
439 return count(type, restrictions, INCLUDE_UNPUBLISHED);
440 }
443 @Override
444 public long count(Class<? extends TaxonNode> type, List<Restriction<?>> restrictions, boolean includePublished) {
446 Criteria criteria = createCriteria(type, restrictions, false);
447 if(!includePublished){
448 criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("taxon.publish", true));
449 }
450 criteria.setProjection(Projections.projectionList().add(Projections.rowCount()));
451 return (Long) criteria.uniqueResult();
452 }
454 @Override
455 public long countTaxonNodeAgentRelations(UUID taxonUuid, UUID classificationUuid, UUID agentUuid, UUID rankUuid, UUID relTypeUuid) {
457 StringBuilder hql = prepareListTaxonNodeAgentRelations(taxonUuid, classificationUuid, agentUuid, rankUuid, relTypeUuid, true);
458 Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql.toString());
460 setParamsForListTaxonNodeAgentRelations(taxonUuid, classificationUuid, agentUuid, rankUuid, relTypeUuid, query);
462 Long count = Long.parseLong(query.uniqueResult().toString());
464 return count;
465 }
467 /**
468 * @param taxonUuid
469 * @param classificationUuid
470 * @param agentUuid
471 * @param relTypeUuid TODO
472 * @param doCount TODO
473 * @param rankId
474 * limit to taxa having this rank, only applies if <code>taxonUuid = null</code>
475 * @return
476 */
477 private StringBuilder prepareListTaxonNodeAgentRelations(UUID taxonUuid, UUID classificationUuid, UUID agentUuid, UUID rankUuid, UUID relTypeUuid, boolean doCount) {
479 StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder();
481 String join_fetch_mode = doCount ? "JOIN" : "JOIN FETCH";
483 if(doCount) {
484 hql.append("SELECT COUNT(tnar)");
485 } else {
486 hql.append("SELECT tnar");
487 }
489 hql.append(" FROM TaxonNodeAgentRelation AS tnar ");
490 if(taxonUuid != null) {
491 // taxonUuid is search filter, do not fetch it
492 hql.append(" JOIN tnar.taxonNode AS tn "
493 + " JOIN tn.taxon AS t ");
494 } else {
495 hql.append(join_fetch_mode)
496 .append(" tnar.taxonNode AS tn ")
497 .append(join_fetch_mode).append(" tn.taxon AS t ");
498 if(rankUuid != null) {
499 hql.append(" join t.name as n ");
500 }
501 }
502 hql.append(" JOIN tn.classification AS c ");
503 if(agentUuid != null) {
504 // agentUuid is search filter, do not fetch it
505 // hql.append(" join tnar.agent as a ");
506 hql.append(join_fetch_mode).append(" tnar.agent AS a ");
507 } else {
508 hql.append(join_fetch_mode).append(" tnar.agent AS a ");
509 }
511 hql.append(" WHERE (1 = 1) ");
513 if(relTypeUuid != null) {
514 hql.append(" AND tnar.type.uuid = :relTypeUuid ");
515 }
517 if(taxonUuid != null) {
518 hql.append(" AND t.uuid = :taxonUuid ");
519 } else {
520 if(rankUuid != null) {
521 hql.append(" AND n.rank.uuid = :rankUuid ");
522 }
523 }
524 if(classificationUuid != null) {
525 hql.append(" AND c.uuid = :classificationUuid ");
526 }
527 if(agentUuid != null) {
528 hql.append(" AND a.uuid = :agentUuid ");
529 }
531 hql.append(" ORDER BY a.titleCache");
532 return hql;
533 }
535 /**
536 * @param taxonUuid
537 * @param classificationUuid
538 * @param agentUuid
539 * @param relTypeUuid TODO
540 * @param query
541 * @param rankId TODO
542 */
543 private void setParamsForListTaxonNodeAgentRelations(UUID taxonUuid, UUID classificationUuid, UUID agentUuid,
544 UUID rankUuid, UUID relTypeUuid, Query query) {
546 if(taxonUuid != null) {
547 query.setParameter("taxonUuid", taxonUuid);
548 } else {
549 if(rankUuid != null) {
550 query.setParameter("rankUuid", rankUuid);
551 }
552 }
553 if(classificationUuid != null) {
554 query.setParameter("classificationUuid", classificationUuid);
555 }
556 if(agentUuid != null) {
557 query.setParameter("agentUuid", agentUuid);
558 }
559 if(relTypeUuid != null) {
560 query.setParameter("relTypeUuid", relTypeUuid);
561 }
562 }
564 @Override
565 public Map<TreeIndex, Integer> rankOrderIndexForTreeIndex(List<TreeIndex> treeIndexes,
566 Integer minRankOrderIndex,
567 Integer maxRankOrderIndex) {
569 Map<TreeIndex, Integer> result = new HashMap<>();
570 if (treeIndexes == null || treeIndexes.isEmpty()){
571 return result;
572 }
574 String hql = " SELECT tn.treeIndex, r.orderIndex "
575 + " FROM TaxonNode tn "
576 + " JOIN tn.taxon t "
577 + " JOIN t.name n "
578 + " JOIN n.rank r "
579 + " WHERE tn.treeIndex IN (:treeIndexes) ";
580 if (minRankOrderIndex != null){
581 hql += " AND r.orderIndex <= :minOrderIndex";
582 }
583 if (maxRankOrderIndex != null){
584 hql += " AND r.orderIndex >= :maxOrderIndex";
585 }
587 Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql);
588 query.setParameterList("treeIndexes", TreeIndex.toString(treeIndexes));
589 if (minRankOrderIndex != null){
590 query.setParameter("minOrderIndex", minRankOrderIndex);
591 }
592 if (maxRankOrderIndex != null){
593 query.setParameter("maxOrderIndex", maxRankOrderIndex);
594 }
596 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
597 List<Object[]> list = query.list();
598 for (Object[] o : list){
599 result.put(TreeIndex.NewInstance((String)o[0]), (Integer)o[1]);
600 }
601 return result;
602 }
604 @Override
605 public Map<TreeIndex, UuidAndTitleCache<?>> taxonUuidsForTreeIndexes(Collection<TreeIndex> treeIndexes) {
606 Map<TreeIndex, UuidAndTitleCache<?>> result = new HashMap<>();
607 if (treeIndexes == null || treeIndexes.isEmpty()){
608 return result;
609 }
611 String hql =
612 " SELECT tn.treeIndex, t.uuid, tnb.titleCache "
613 + " FROM TaxonNode tn JOIN tn.taxon t Join t.name tnb "
614 + " WHERE tn.treeIndex IN (:treeIndexes) ";
615 Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql);
616 query.setParameterList("treeIndexes", TreeIndex.toString(treeIndexes));
618 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
619 List<Object[]> list = query.list();
620 for (Object[] o : list){
621 result.put(TreeIndex.NewInstance((String)o[0]), new UuidAndTitleCache<>((UUID)o[1], null, (String)o[2]));
622 }
623 return result;
624 }
626 @Override
627 public List<TaxonNodeDto> getParentTaxonNodeDtoForRank(
628 Classification classification, Rank rank, TaxonBase<?> taxonBase) {
630 Taxon taxon = null;
631 if (taxonBase instanceof Taxon) {
632 taxon = CdmBase.deproxy(taxonBase, Taxon.class);
633 }else {
634 taxon = CdmBase.deproxy(((Synonym)taxonBase).getAcceptedTaxon());
635 }
636 TaxonNode node = null;
637 if (taxon != null) {
638 node = taxon.getTaxonNode(classification);
639 }
640 List<TaxonNodeDto> result = new ArrayList<>();
641 if (node != null) {
642 String treeIndex = node.treeIndex();
643 List<Integer> ancestorNodeIds = TreeIndex.NewInstance(treeIndex).parentNodeIds(false);
645 Criteria nodeCrit = getSession().createCriteria(TaxonNode.class);
646 Criteria taxonCrit = nodeCrit.createCriteria("taxon");
647 Criteria nameCrit = taxonCrit.createCriteria("name");
648 nodeCrit.add(Restrictions.in("id", ancestorNodeIds));
649 nodeCrit.add(Restrictions.eq("classification", classification));
650 nameCrit.add(Restrictions.eq("rank", rank));
652 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
653 List<TaxonNode> list = nodeCrit.list();
654 for (TaxonNode rankNode : list){
655 TaxonNodeDto dto = new TaxonNodeDto(rankNode);
656 result.add(dto);
657 }
658 }
659 return result;
660 }
663 @Override
664 public List<TaxonNodeDto> getParentTaxonNodeDtoForRank(
665 Classification classification, Rank rank, TaxonName name) {
667 Set<TaxonBase> taxa = name.getTaxonBases();
668 List<TaxonNodeDto> result = new ArrayList<>();
669 for (TaxonBase<?> taxonBase:taxa) {
670 List<TaxonNodeDto> tmpList = getParentTaxonNodeDtoForRank(classification, rank, taxonBase);
671 for (TaxonNodeDto tmpDto : tmpList){
672 boolean exists = false; //an equal method does not yet exist for TaxonNodeDto therefore this workaround
673 for (TaxonNodeDto dto: result){
674 if (dto.getTreeIndex().equals(tmpDto.getTreeIndex())){
675 exists = true;
676 }
677 }
678 if (!exists){
679 result.add(tmpDto);
680 }
681 }
682 }
683 return result;
684 }
686 @Override
687 public int countSecundumForSubtreeAcceptedTaxa(TreeIndex subTreeIndex, Reference newSec,
688 boolean overwriteExisting, boolean includeSharedTaxa, boolean emptySecundumDetail) {
689 String queryStr = forSubtreeAcceptedQueryStr(includeSharedTaxa, subTreeIndex, false, SelectMode.COUNT);
690 if (!overwriteExisting){
691 queryStr += " AND t.secSource.citation IS NULL ";
692 }
693 return countResult(queryStr);
694 }
696 private int countResult(String queryStr) {
697 Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryStr);
698 return ((Long)query.uniqueResult()).intValue();
699 }
701 @Override
702 public int countSecundumForSubtreeSynonyms(TreeIndex subTreeIndex, Reference newSec,
703 boolean overwriteExisting, boolean includeSharedTaxa, boolean emptySecundumDetail) {
704 String queryStr = forSubtreeSynonymQueryStr(includeSharedTaxa, subTreeIndex, false, SelectMode.COUNT);
705 if (!overwriteExisting){
706 queryStr += " AND syn.secSource.citation IS NULL ";
707 }
708 return countResult(queryStr);
709 }
711 @Override
712 public int countSecundumForSubtreeRelations(TreeIndex subTreeIndex, Reference newSec,
713 boolean overwriteExisting, boolean includeSharedTaxa, boolean emptySecundumDetail) {
714 String queryStr = forSubtreeRelationQueryStr(includeSharedTaxa, overwriteExisting, subTreeIndex, SelectMode.COUNT);
715 return countResult(queryStr);
716 }
718 //#3465
719 @Override
720 public Set<CdmBase> setSecundumForSubtreeAcceptedTaxa(TreeIndex subTreeIndex, Reference newSec,
721 boolean overwriteExisting, boolean includeSharedTaxa, boolean emptyDetail, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
722 //for some reason this does not work, maybe because the listeners are not activated,
723 //but also the first taxon for some reason does not get updated in terms of secundum, but only by the update listener
724 // String where = "SELECT t.id FROM TaxonNode tn JOIN tn.taxon t " +
725 // " WHERE tn.treeIndex like '%s%%' ORDER BY t.id";
726 // where = String.format(where, subTreeIndex.toString());
727 // Query query1 = getSession().createQuery(where);
728 // List l = query1.list();
729 //
730 // String hql = "UPDATE Taxon SET sec = :newSec, publish=false WHERE id IN (" + where + ")";
731 // Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql);
732 // query.setParameter("newSec", newSec);
733 // int n = query.executeUpdate();
735 String queryStr = forSubtreeAcceptedQueryStr(includeSharedTaxa, subTreeIndex, false, SelectMode.ID);
736 if (!overwriteExisting){
737 queryStr += " AND t.secSource.citation IS NULL ";
738 }
739 return setSecundum(newSec, emptyDetail, queryStr, monitor);
740 }
742 @Override
743 public Set<CdmBase> setSecundumForSubtreeSynonyms(TreeIndex subTreeIndex, Reference newSec,
744 boolean overwriteExisting, boolean includeSharedTaxa, boolean emptyDetail, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
746 String queryStr = forSubtreeSynonymQueryStr(includeSharedTaxa, subTreeIndex, false, SelectMode.ID);
747 if (!overwriteExisting){
748 queryStr += " AND syn.secSource.citation IS NULL ";
749 }
750 return setSecundum(newSec, emptyDetail, queryStr, monitor);
751 }
753 private <T extends TaxonBase<?>> Set<CdmBase> setSecundum(Reference newSec, boolean emptyDetail, String queryStr, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
754 Set<CdmBase> result = new HashSet<>();
755 Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryStr);
756 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
757 List<List<Integer>> partitionList = splitIdList(query.list(), DEFAULT_SET_SUBTREE_PARTITION_SIZE);
758 for (List<Integer> taxonIdList : partitionList){
759 @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
760 List<T> taxonList = (List)taxonDao.loadList(taxonIdList, null, null);
761 for (T taxonBase : taxonList){
762 if (taxonBase != null){
763 taxonBase = CdmBase.deproxy(taxonBase);
764 SecundumSource secSourceBefore = taxonBase.getSecSource();
765 Reference refBefore = taxonBase.getSec();
766 String refDetailBefore = taxonBase.getSecMicroReference();
767 if (newSec == null && taxonBase.getSec() !=null
768 || newSec != null && (taxonBase.getSec() == null || !newSec.equals(taxonBase.getSec()) )){
769 taxonBase.setSec(newSec);
770 }
771 if (emptyDetail){
772 if (taxonBase.getSecMicroReference() != null){
773 taxonBase.setSecMicroReference(null);
774 }
775 }
776 //compute updated objects
777 SecundumSource secSourceAfter = taxonBase.getSecSource();
778 if (!CdmUtils.nullSafeEqual(secSourceBefore, secSourceAfter)){
779 result.add(taxonBase);
780 }else if (secSourceBefore != null && secSourceBefore.equals(secSourceAfter)
781 && (!CdmUtils.nullSafeEqual(refBefore, secSourceAfter.getCitation())
782 || !CdmUtils.nullSafeEqual(refDetailBefore, secSourceAfter.getCitationMicroReference()))
783 ){
784 result.add(secSourceBefore);
785 }
787 monitor.worked(1);
788 if (monitor.isCanceled()){
789 return result;
790 }
791 }
792 }
793 commitAndRestartTransaction(newSec);
794 monitor.worked(taxonIdList.size());
795 }
796 return result;
797 }
799 private void commitAndRestartTransaction(CdmBase... cdmBaseToUpdate) {
800 getSession().getTransaction().commit();
801 getSession().clear();
802 getSession().beginTransaction();
803 for (CdmBase cdmBase : cdmBaseToUpdate){
804 if (cdmBase != null){
805 getSession().update(cdmBase);
806 }
807 }
808 }
810 @Override
811 public Set<CdmBase> setSecundumForSubtreeRelations(TreeIndex subTreeIndex, Reference newRef,
812 Set<UUID> relationTypes, boolean overwriteExisting, boolean includeSharedTaxa, boolean emptyDetail, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
814 String queryStr = forSubtreeRelationQueryStr(includeSharedTaxa, overwriteExisting, subTreeIndex, SelectMode.ID);
816 Set<CdmBase> result = new HashSet<>();
817 Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryStr);
818 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
819 List<List<Integer>> partitionList = splitIdList(query.list(), DEFAULT_SET_SUBTREE_PARTITION_SIZE);
820 for (List<Integer> relIdList : partitionList){
821 List<TaxonRelationship> relList = taxonRelDao.loadList(relIdList, null, null);
822 for (TaxonRelationship rel : relList){
823 if (rel != null){
824 rel = CdmBase.deproxy(rel);
826 NamedSource sourceBefore = rel.getSource();
827 Reference refBefore = rel.getCitation();
828 String refDetailBefore = rel.getCitationMicroReference();
829 if (newRef == null && rel.getCitation() !=null
830 || newRef != null && (rel.getCitation() == null || !newRef.equals(rel.getCitation()) )){
831 rel.setCitation(newRef);
832 }
833 if (emptyDetail){
834 if (rel.getCitationMicroReference() != null){
835 rel.setCitationMicroReference(null);
836 }
837 }
838 //compute updated objects
839 NamedSource sourceAfter = rel.getSource();
840 if (!CdmUtils.nullSafeEqual(sourceBefore, sourceAfter)){
841 result.add(rel);
842 }else if (sourceBefore != null && sourceBefore.equals(sourceAfter)
843 && (!CdmUtils.nullSafeEqual(refBefore, sourceAfter.getCitation())
844 || !CdmUtils.nullSafeEqual(refDetailBefore,sourceAfter.getCitationMicroReference()))
845 ){
846 result.add(sourceBefore);
847 }
849 monitor.worked(1);
850 if (monitor.isCanceled()){
851 return result;
852 }
853 }
854 }
855 commitAndRestartTransaction();
856 monitor.worked(relList.size());
857 }
859 return result;
860 }
862 private List<List<Integer>> splitIdList(List<Integer> idList, Integer size){
863 List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>();
864 for (int i = 0; (i*size)<idList.size(); i++) {
865 int upper = Math.min((i+1)*size, idList.size());
866 result.add(idList.subList(i*size, upper));
867 }
868 return result;
869 }
871 @Override
872 public int countPublishForSubtreeAcceptedTaxa(TreeIndex subTreeIndex, boolean publish, boolean includeSharedTaxa, boolean includeHybrids) {
873 String queryStr = forSubtreeAcceptedQueryStr(includeSharedTaxa, subTreeIndex, !includeHybrids, SelectMode.COUNT);
874 queryStr += " AND t.publish != :publish ";
875 System.out.println(queryStr);
876 Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryStr);
877 query.setBoolean("publish", publish);
878 return ((Long)query.uniqueResult()).intValue();
879 }
881 @Override
882 public int countPublishForSubtreeSynonyms(TreeIndex subTreeIndex, boolean publish, boolean includeSharedTaxa, boolean includeHybrids) {
883 String queryStr = forSubtreeSynonymQueryStr(includeSharedTaxa, subTreeIndex, !includeHybrids, SelectMode.COUNT);
884 queryStr += " AND syn.publish != :publish ";
885 Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryStr);
886 query.setBoolean("publish", publish);
887 return ((Long)query.uniqueResult()).intValue();
888 }
890 @Override
891 public Set<TaxonBase> setPublishForSubtreeAcceptedTaxa(TreeIndex subTreeIndex, boolean publish,
892 boolean includeSharedTaxa, boolean includeHybrids, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
893 String queryStr = forSubtreeAcceptedQueryStr(includeSharedTaxa, subTreeIndex, !includeHybrids, SelectMode.ID);
894 queryStr += " AND t.publish != :publish ";
895 return setPublish(publish, queryStr, null, monitor);
896 }
898 @Override
899 public Set<TaxonBase> setPublishForSubtreeSynonyms(TreeIndex subTreeIndex, boolean publish,
900 boolean includeSharedTaxa, boolean includeHybrids, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
901 String queryStr = forSubtreeSynonymQueryStr(includeSharedTaxa, subTreeIndex, !includeHybrids, SelectMode.ID);
902 queryStr += " AND syn.publish != :publish ";
903 return setPublish(publish, queryStr, null, monitor);
904 }
906 @Override
907 public int countPublishForSubtreeRelatedTaxa(TreeIndex subTreeIndex, boolean publish, boolean includeSharedTaxa, boolean includeHybrids) {
908 String queryStr = forSubtreeRelatedTaxaQueryStr(includeSharedTaxa, subTreeIndex, !includeHybrids, SelectMode.COUNT);
909 queryStr += " AND relTax.publish != :publish ";
910 Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryStr);
911 query.setBoolean("publish", publish);
912 return ((Long)query.uniqueResult()).intValue();
913 }
915 @Override
916 public Set<TaxonBase> setPublishForSubtreeRelatedTaxa(TreeIndex subTreeIndex, boolean publish,
917 Set<UUID> relationTypes, boolean includeSharedTaxa, boolean includeHybrids,
918 IProgressMonitor monitor) {
919 String queryStr = forSubtreeRelatedTaxaQueryStr(includeSharedTaxa, subTreeIndex, !includeHybrids, SelectMode.ID);
920 queryStr += " AND relTax.publish != :publish ";
921 queryStr += " AND rel.type.uuid IN (:relTypeUuid)";
922 return setPublish(publish, queryStr, relationTypes, monitor);
923 }
925 private <T extends TaxonBase<?>> Set<T> setPublish(boolean publish, String queryStr, Set<UUID> relTypeUuids, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
926 Set<T> result = new HashSet<>();
927 Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryStr);
928 query.setBoolean("publish", publish);
929 if (relTypeUuids != null && !relTypeUuids.isEmpty()){
930 query.setParameterList("relTypeUuid", relTypeUuids);
931 }
932 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
933 List<List<Integer>> partitionList = splitIdList(query.list(), DEFAULT_SET_SUBTREE_PARTITION_SIZE);
934 for (List<Integer> taxonIdList : partitionList){
935 @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
936 List<T> taxonList = (List)taxonDao.loadList(taxonIdList, null, null);
937 for (T taxonBase : taxonList){
938 if (taxonBase != null){
939 if (taxonBase.isPublish() != publish){ //to be on the save side
940 taxonBase.setPublish(publish);
941 result.add(CdmBase.deproxy(taxonBase));
942 }
943 monitor.worked(1);
944 if (monitor.isCanceled()){
945 return result;
946 }
947 }
948 }
949 commitAndRestartTransaction();
950 }
951 return result;
952 }
954 private String forSubtreeSynonymQueryStr(boolean includeSharedTaxa, TreeIndex subTreeIndex, boolean excludeHybrids, SelectMode mode) {
955 String queryStr = "SELECT " + mode.hql("syn")
956 + " FROM TaxonNode tn "
957 + " JOIN tn.taxon t "
958 + " JOIN t.synonyms syn "
959 + " LEFT JOIN syn.name n "
960 + " LEFT JOIN syn.secSource ss ";
961 String whereStr = " tn.treeIndex LIKE '%1$s%%' ";
962 if (!includeSharedTaxa){
963 whereStr += " AND NOT EXISTS ("
964 + "FROM TaxonNode tn2 WHERE tn2.taxon = t AND tn2.treeIndex not like '%1$s%%') ";
965 }
966 whereStr = handleExcludeHybrids(whereStr, excludeHybrids, "syn");
967 queryStr += " WHERE " + String.format(whereStr, subTreeIndex.toString());
969 return queryStr;
970 }
972 private String handleExcludeHybrids(String whereStr, boolean excludeHybrids, String t) {
973 if(excludeHybrids){
975 String hybridWhere = " AND (n is NULL OR "
976 + " (n.monomHybrid=0 AND n.binomHybrid=0 "
977 + " AND n.trinomHybrid=0 AND n.hybridFormula=0 )) ";
979 whereStr += hybridWhere; //String.format(hybridWhere, t);
980 }
981 return whereStr;
982 }
984 private String forSubtreeRelatedTaxaQueryStr(boolean includeSharedTaxa, TreeIndex subTreeIndex,
985 boolean excludeHybrids, SelectMode mode) {
986 String queryStr = "SELECT " + mode.hql("relTax")
987 + " FROM TaxonNode tn "
988 + " JOIN tn.taxon t "
989 + " JOIN t.relationsToThisTaxon rel"
990 + " JOIN rel.relatedFrom relTax "
991 + " LEFT JOIN relTax.name n ";
992 String whereStr =" tn.treeIndex LIKE '%1$s%%' ";
993 if (!includeSharedTaxa){
994 //toTaxon should only be used in the given subtree
995 whereStr += " AND NOT EXISTS ("
996 + "FROM TaxonNode tn2 WHERE tn2.taxon = t AND tn2.treeIndex not like '%1$s%%') ";
997 //from taxon should not be used in another classification
998 whereStr += " AND NOT EXISTS ("
999 + "FROM TaxonNode tn3 WHERE tn3.taxon = relTax AND tn3.treeIndex not like '%1$s%%') ";
1000 //fromTaxon should not be related as e.g. pro parte synonym or misapplication to
1001 //another taxon which is not part of the subtree
1002 //TODO and has not the publish state
1003 whereStr += " AND NOT EXISTS ("
1004 + "FROM TaxonNode tn4 JOIN tn4.taxon t2 JOIN t2.relationsToThisTaxon rel2 "
1005 + " WHERE rel2.relatedFrom = relTax AND tn4.treeIndex not like '%1$s%%' "
1006 + " AND tn4.taxon.publish != :publish ) ";
1007 }
1008 whereStr = handleExcludeHybrids(whereStr, excludeHybrids, "relTax");
1009 queryStr += " WHERE " + String.format(whereStr, subTreeIndex.toString());
1011 return queryStr;
1012 }
1014 /**
1015 * query for
1016 */
1017 private String forSubtreeRelationQueryStr(boolean includeSharedTaxa, boolean overwriteExisting,
1018 TreeIndex subTreeIndex, SelectMode mode) {
1020 String queryStr = "SELECT " + mode.hql("rel")
1021 + " FROM TaxonNode tn "
1022 + " JOIN tn.taxon t "
1023 + " JOIN t.relationsToThisTaxon rel "
1024 + " LEFT JOIN rel.source src ";
1025 String whereStr =" tn.treeIndex LIKE '%1$s%%' ";
1026 if (!includeSharedTaxa){
1027 //toTaxon should only be used in the given subtree
1028 whereStr += " AND NOT EXISTS ("
1029 + "FROM TaxonNode tn2 WHERE tn2.taxon = t AND tn2.treeIndex not like '%1$s%%') ";
1030 }
1031 queryStr += " WHERE " + String.format(whereStr, subTreeIndex.toString());
1032 if (!overwriteExisting){
1033 queryStr += " AND (rel.source IS NULL OR src.citation IS NULL) ";
1034 }
1036 return queryStr;
1037 }
1039 private enum SelectMode{
1040 COUNT(" count(*) "),
1041 ID ("id "),
1042 UUID("uuid "),
1043 FULL("");
1044 private String hql;
1045 SelectMode(String hql){
1046 this.hql = hql;
1047 }
1048 public String hql(String prefix){
1049 switch (this){
1050 case ID:
1051 case UUID:
1052 return CdmUtils.Nz(prefix)+"." + hql;
1053 case FULL:
1054 return CdmUtils.Nz(prefix) + hql;
1055 case COUNT:
1056 default: return hql;
1057 }
1059 }
1060 }
1062 private String forSubtreeAcceptedQueryStr(boolean includeSharedTaxa, TreeIndex subTreeIndex, boolean excludeHybrids, SelectMode mode) {
1063 String queryStr = "SELECT " + mode.hql("t")
1064 + " FROM TaxonNode tn "
1065 + " JOIN tn.taxon t "
1066 + " LEFT JOIN t.name n "
1067 + " LEFT JOIN t.secSource ss ";
1068 String whereStr = " tn.treeIndex like '%1$s%%' ";
1069 if (!includeSharedTaxa){
1070 whereStr += " AND NOT EXISTS ("
1071 + "FROM TaxonNode tn2 WHERE tn2.taxon = t AND tn2.treeIndex not like '%1$s%%') ";
1072 }
1073 whereStr = handleExcludeHybrids(whereStr, excludeHybrids, "t");
1074 queryStr += " WHERE " + String.format(whereStr, subTreeIndex.toString());
1076 return queryStr;
1077 }
1079 @Override
1080 public List<UuidAndTitleCache<TaxonNode>> getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(Classification classification, Integer limit, String pattern, boolean searchForClassifications, boolean includeDoubtful) {
1082 Query query = createQueryForUuidAndTitleCache(limit, classification.getUuid(), pattern, includeDoubtful);
1083 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
1084 List<SortableTaxonNodeQueryResult> result = query.list();
1087 if (searchForClassifications){
1088 String queryString = "SELECT new " + SortableTaxonNodeQueryResult.class.getName() + "("
1089 + " node.uuid, node.id, node.classification.titleCache"
1090 + ") "
1091 + " FROM TaxonNode AS node "
1092 + " WHERE node.classification.id = " + classification.getId() +
1093 " AND node.taxon IS NULL";
1094 if (pattern != null){
1095 if (pattern.equals("?")){
1096 limit = null;
1097 } else{
1098 if (!pattern.endsWith("*")){
1099 pattern += "%";
1100 }
1101 pattern = pattern.replace("*", "%");
1102 pattern = pattern.replace("?", "%");
1103 queryString = queryString + " AND node.classification.titleCache LIKE (:pattern) " ;
1104 }
1105 }
1106 query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
1108 if (limit != null){
1109 query.setMaxResults(limit);
1110 }
1112 if (pattern != null && !pattern.equals("?")){
1113 query.setParameter("pattern", pattern);
1114 }
1115 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
1116 List<SortableTaxonNodeQueryResult> resultClassifications = query.list();
1118 result.addAll(resultClassifications);
1119 }
1121 if(result.size() == 0){
1122 return null;
1123 }else{
1124 List<UuidAndTitleCache<TaxonNode>> list = new ArrayList<>(result.size());
1125 Collections.sort(result, new SortableTaxonNodeQueryResultComparator());
1126 for (SortableTaxonNodeQueryResult resultDTO : result){
1127 list.add(new UuidAndTitleCache<>(TaxonNode.class, resultDTO.getTaxonNodeUuid(), resultDTO.getTaxonNodeId(), resultDTO.getTaxonTitleCache()));
1128 }
1130 return list;
1131 }
1132 }
1134 @Override
1135 public List<TaxonNodeDto> getTaxonNodeDto(Integer limit, String pattern, UUID classificationUuid) {
1136 String queryString = "SELECT new " + SortableTaxonNodeQueryResult.class.getName() + "("
1137 + "tn.uuid, tn.id, t.titleCache, rank "
1138 + ") "
1139 + " FROM TaxonNode tn "
1140 + " INNER JOIN tn.taxon AS t "
1141 + " INNER JOIN tn.classification AS cls "
1142 + " INNER JOIN t.name AS name "
1143 + " LEFT OUTER JOIN name.rank AS rank "
1144 + " WHERE t.titleCache LIKE :pattern ";
1145 if(classificationUuid != null){
1146 queryString += "AND cls.uuid = :classificationUuid";
1147 }
1149 Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
1151 query.setParameter("pattern", pattern.toLowerCase()+"%");
1152 if(classificationUuid != null){
1153 query.setParameter("classificationUuid", classificationUuid);
1154 }
1156 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
1157 List<SortableTaxonNodeQueryResult> result = query.list();
1158 Collections.sort(result, new SortableTaxonNodeQueryResultComparator());
1160 List<TaxonNodeDto> list = new ArrayList<>();
1161 for(SortableTaxonNodeQueryResult queryDTO : result){
1162 list.add(new TaxonNodeDto(queryDTO.getTaxonNodeUuid(), queryDTO.getTaxonNodeId(), queryDTO.getTaxonTitleCache()));
1163 }
1164 return list;
1165 }
1167 @Override
1168 public List<TaxonNodeDto> getUuidAndTitleCache(Integer limit, String pattern, UUID classificationUuid) {
1169 return getUuidAndTitleCache(limit, pattern, classificationUuid, false);
1170 }
1172 @Override
1173 public List<UuidAndTitleCache<TaxonNode>> getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(
1174 Classification classification, Integer limit, String pattern, boolean searchForClassifications) {
1175 return getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(classification, limit, pattern, searchForClassifications, false);
1176 }
1178 }