created app-import within cdmlib-apps
[cdmlib-apps.git] / src / main / resources / taxonX / palm_tc_8016.xml
1 <taxonx xmlns:dc="" xmlns:mods="" xmlns:xsi="">
2 <taxonxHeader>
3 <mods:mods>
4 <mods:titleInfo><mods:title>Genera Palmarum. The evolution and classification of palms</mods:title></mods:titleInfo>
5 <mods:name>
6 <mods:namePart type="family">Dransfield</mods:namePart>
7 <mods:namePart type="given">J.</mods:namePart>
8 <mods:namePart type="family">Uhl</mods:namePart>
9 <mods:namePart type="given">N.</mods:namePart>
10 <mods:namePart type="family">Asmussen</mods:namePart>
11 <mods:namePart type="given">C.</mods:namePart>
12 <mods:namePart type="family">Baker</mods:namePart>
13 <mods:namePart type="given">W.J.</mods:namePart>
14 <mods:namePart type="family">Harley</mods:namePart>
15 <mods:namePart type="given">M.</mods:namePart>
16 <mods:namePart type="family">Lewis</mods:namePart>
17 <mods:namePart type="given">C.</mods:namePart>
18 </mods:name>
19 <mods:originInfo>
20 <mods:dateIssued>2008</mods:dateIssued><mods:publisher>Kew Publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew</mods:publisher></mods:originInfo>
21 </mods:mods>
22 </taxonxHeader>
23 <taxonxBody>
24 <treatment rank="genus">
25 <div type="diagnosis"><p>Remarkable dioecious stemless or short-trunked ivory palm from northern South America; distinguished by the chunky polyhedral receptacles of the staminate flowers bearing very numerous rounded anthers that appear like grains of sand.</p></div>
26 <nomenclature>
27 <name>Ammandra</name>
28 <author>O.F. Cook</author>
29 <citation>J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 17: 220 (1927).</citation>
30 <type>Type; Ammandra decasperma; O.F. Cook.</type>
31 </nomenclature>
32 <div type="etymology"><p>ammos — sand, aner — man, referring to the anthers that appear like grains of sand.</p></div>
33 <div type="description"><p>Solitary, stemless or short-trunked, unarmed, pleonanthic, dioecious palm. Stem extremely short, internodes short, obscured by a loose network of long, slender, straight, sheath fibres. Leaf pinnate; sheath soon disintegrating into a mass of long straight fibres resembling horse hair; petiole erect, long, slender, grooved adaxially at the base, becoming cylindrical distally; leaflets very regular except for the lower-most which may be irregular, stiffly horizontal, the lowest very narrow, the middle lanceolate, the terminal very short, shiny dark green, a midrib and a pair of marginal veins prominent abaxially, the submarginal veins forming a prominent ridge with a resulting outer groove along the leaflet margins, transverse veinlets not evident. Inflorescences, the staminate and pistillate dissimilar; staminate short, racemose, recurved at anthesis, branched to 1 order; peduncle moderate, rounded, glabrous; prophyll tubular, short, shallowly 2-keeled, rounded to a shallow point, splitting apically; complete peduncular bracts l, similar to the propyll but longer, other peduncular bracts few (5 according to Cook) large or small and shallow; rachis slightly longer than the peduncle, bearing spirally arranged, short, terete branches, each subtended by a small pointed bract; first-order branches each bearing ca. 6(–9), crowded, staminate flowers, subtending bracts small, pointed, membranous or not evident. Staminate flowers with a short terete stalk; perianth consisting of a low membranous rim or absent; floral receptacle chunky with several flat sides all bearing irregularly to somewhat spirally arranged stamens, filaments very short, appressed, or briefly elongate, anthers short, rounded or ± elongate, basifixed, latrorse; pistillode terminal, conical, whitish, irregular in position. Pollen brevi-ellipsoidal to spheroidal, usually ± symmetric; aperture a distal brevi sulcus or large pore; ectexine semi-tectate, foveolate or reticulate, aperture margin psilate; infratectum columellate; longest axis 7085 µm [1/1]. Pistillate inflorescence head-like, unbranched; prophyll tubular, short, 2-keeled laterally, flattened, pointed, splitting along one side; peduncular bracts several, the first complete, tubular, rounded, with a short pointed tip, splitting apically on one side, the second and third bracts incomplete, short, united basally to form a tube, distal parts distinct, triangular, fourth to sixth bracts also united basally into a shorter tube with distinct, tapering tips, seventh and eight bracts united basally on one side, open on the other side. Pistillate flowers spirally arranged, closely appressed, each subtended by a bract; sepals ± 4, narrow, elongate; petals ± 4, like the sepals but longer and somewhat wider, variously wrinkled; staminodes apparently absent; gynoecium consisting of ca. 8 carpels, connate laterally, ovarian part terete, tapering into an elongate, cylindrical style and ca. 8, curly, elongate stigmas, conduplicately folded, bearing stigmatoid tissue along the margins. Fruits borne in large head-like clusters of 36, clusters smaller than those of Phytelephas, each fruit rounded, covered in large, pointed warts, stylar remains terminal, forming a large beak; epicarp with short, close fibres, mesocarp fibres fine, endocarp shell-like with adherent fibres enclosing each seed. Seed ± kidney-shaped, hilum basal, raphe fibres parallel, ascending, with short branches forming grooves in the endosperm, endosperm homogeneous, very hard; embryo lateral near the base. Germination remote-ligular; eophyll pinnate. Cytology not studied.</p></div>
34 <div type="distribution"><p>One species known from the western coastal regions of Colombia and a disjunct population in eastern Colombia.</p></div>
35 <div type="anatomy"><p>Leaves (Barfod 1991) and root (Seubert 1996b). </p></div>
36 <div type="relationships"><p>For relationships, see Phytelephas.</p></div>
37 <div type="uses"><p>Used for vegetable ivory and thatch.</p></div>
38 <div type="taxonomic accounts"><p>Barfod (1991).</p></div>
39 <div type="fossil record"><p>No generic records found.</p></div>
40 <div type="discussion"><p>For diagnostic characters see notes under Phytelephas.</p></div>
41 <div type="vernacular"><p>Ivory palms, tagua, cabecita.</p></div>
42 <div type="biology_ecology"><p>An undergrowth palm in forests where rainfall is heavy and nearly continuous throughout the year. Many beetles emerged from inflorescences collected by Cook (1927).</p></div>
43 </treatment>
44 </taxonxBody>
45 </taxonx>