created app-import within cdmlib-apps
[cdmlib-apps.git] / src / main / resources / taxonX / palm_tc_29584.xml
1 <taxonx xmlns:dc="" xmlns:mods="" xmlns:xsi="">
2 <taxonxHeader>
3 <mods:mods>
4 <mods:titleInfo><mods:title>The Rattans of Sarawak</mods:title></mods:titleInfo>
5 <mods:name>
6 <mods:namePart type="family">Dransfield</mods:namePart>
7 <mods:namePart type="given">J.</mods:namePart>
8 </mods:name>
9 <mods:originInfo><mods:dateIssued>1992</mods:dateIssued>
10 <mods:publisher>Forest Department Sarawak, Malaysia and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK</mods:publisher>
11 </mods:originInfo>
12 </mods:mods>
13 </taxonxHeader>
14 <taxonxBody>
15 <treatment rank="species">
16 <nomenclature>
17 <name>Calamus hypertrichosus</name>
18 <author>Becc.</author>
19 <citation>Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 11 (Suppl.): 17 (1913).</citation>
20 </nomenclature>
21 <div type="introduction"><p></p></div>
22 <div type="etymology" lang="el"><p>Very hairy</p></div>
23 <div type="vernacular"><p></p></div>
24 <div type="description"><p>Very slender clustering rattan climbing to 3 m only; stem without sheaths 3 -4 mm diam., with sheaths to 6 mm diam., internodes c. 12 cm long. Sheaths dull greenish-brown, unarmed; knee present, rather small; ocrea short, tubular, &#177; truncate, membranous. Flagellum to 30 cm. Leaf ecirrate to 40 cm; petiole very short or absent; rachis covered in dark brown hairs; leaflets c. 7 on each side of the rachis, rather broad lanceolate with 3 conspicuous veins, the terminal leaflet pair joined for about 21 3 their length, the others &#177; regular, alternate, the mid leaflets c. 14 x 2.5 cm, the basalmost much shorter and swept back across the stem, all leaflet surfaces densely covered by soft pale hairs, the margins appearing ciliate. Other parts not known (Fig. 76).</p></div>
25 <div type="distribution"><p>In Sarawak known only from Semengoh. Elsewhere known only from the type, collected last century by Teysmann in Kalimantan. Endemic to Borneo.</p></div>
26 <div type="biology_ecology"><p></p></div>
27 <div type="conservation"><p></p></div>
28 <div type="uses"><p>None known. This could be a very desirable ornamental.</p></div>
29 <div type="discussion"><p>C. hypertrichosus was collected on a hill slope in lowland mixed dipterocarp forest. It is separated from C. javensis by the abundance of soft pale hairs on all leaflet surfaces.</p></div>
30 <div type="materials_examined"><p></p></div>
31 </treatment>
32 </taxonxBody>
33 </taxonx>